Wednesday 5 October 2016

A Song That Makes Me Cry.

I haven't cried much since my parents died in 2012.  You realize there's not much point.  It's rather like praying for somebody with a terminal illness.  Gosh how I prayed that God would make my dear mother recover from dying in the hospital.  But even God can't answer some prayers.  Two days before she died she just waved goodbye and I knew the end was near.  Two days later she was sat in Heaven talking to her parents and we had lost a mother and grandmother.  

The day of the funeral came and the vicar let me write a Eulogy which she read out and said they would play the music:  hymns and songs of our request.  Just before the (five minutes) service stated the vicar said:  

"Did you bring the tape David?"

I was dumb struck.  I presumed that the church would provide the music.  It was too late.

Not to worry.  Less than 12 months later my father passed away.  If you like euphemisms?  This time the vicar ensured that he had the right music prepared.  Again the hymns were sung and Eva Cassidy's  (she died herself aged 33) voice sung this tune while we carried my father's coffin out of the church to his final resting place also next to the sea.  

Here's the song that she sang and breaks my heart.  What song makes you cry? 


  1. Can't think of any songs that make me cry, but a lot of songs evoke memories, both good and bad.

    1. Know exactly what you mean Cumbrian. The song above moves me to shed a few tears. Thanks!

  2. Music never makes me cry, but it can move my heart strings!

    1. Hi Vera. I know what you mean. I can think of a few live concerts I have been to and they have left me with goose pimples. Thanks!

  3. Well, this song for certain! I used to love it until
    it was played at a friend's funeral.

    1. Hi Barbara. I know what you mean. I think lot of people get moved when they sing: "Abide With Me". Thanks!

  4. Heard some of the newly written work commemorating the Abefan disaster the other day. Had me sobbing.

    1. Hi Frugal In Derbyshire. Not heard any of that music yet. We have watched the film Shadowlands eighteen times. Every time we watch it we sob like babies. Well I pretend to cough and wipe away the tears rolling down my cheeks. Lassie films always got the heart strings going too. Thanks!

  5. Lovely post Dave. Peter often sings this song in the house because he loves it too. Of course any piece of music can make us cry if it accompanies a sad event.

    1. Thank you Rachel. I think music is very cathartic and moves us some times more than words do. I often have songs playing in my mental jukebox of an head. Sometimes I even sing along to them.

      I wonder who will be the new Villa manager? I they have always been one of my handful of favourite football teams. I think a Ryan Giggs and Steve Bruce manager team would be a good choice. Never understood how Steve never played for England.


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