Wednesday, 12 October 2016

An Helping Hand (Paw) In The Polytunnel!

I noticed Domino our smallholding cat relaxing in our poly-tunnel the other day.  I was busy barrowing and weeding and trenching and he was relaxing looking for insects.  Like the Only Fools And Horses theme goes: "Only fools and horses work!"

Do you like the organised chaos of my poly-tunnel?  There are even a few nettles growing at the back of the tunnel.  They have pushed themselves up through the joints of the Mypex (landscape fabric) and you can see potting compost covering the floor.  I don't have a potting bench.  I just sit on the green kneeling seat and make my trays up and cuttings on the ground.  I think it's time I gave it a good tidy up and started making space for some delicate cuttings.  I love the tunnel. You can always go inside even when it's raining outside.  Even Domino likes the tunnel.

I attacked my home made compost heap the other day.  It consists of 3 pallets stood vertically and held together with twine.  It's full of all manner of farmyard manure, plant tops, leaves and hedge and crass clippings.  You can see the Nasturtiums like it too.  So do the worms.  The worms are lovely red juicy brandlings.  

If I was an an angler I would have a good supply of worms.  I use do a lot of Coarse fishing when I was young.  Would love to own my own fishing lake/pond and spend my days catching Tench, Carp, Trout, Perch, Roach... 


  1. Hi Dave, Domino looks a cutie. Poly tunnels and green houses are fab arent they.

    Your compost pile certainly looks fertile.

    Hope you have better weather than us today. its dank and grey

  2. Hi Sol. Yes Domino is quite a character and he's always busy catching insects in the tunnel and outside he catches mice and rats..

    Poly-tunnels are great even when you can't work outside on the garden because it's raining. Today it's been reasonably dry with an odd shower. Managed to get the veg plot cleared of weeds. We get the rain back at weekend. Thanks!

  3. Looks like my kind of scene, organised chaos with a cat living among it. My house is like that.

    1. Hi Cumbrian. My house is also full of organised chaos, far too much furniture, pictures and ornaments and books... I recently boxed up most of my books and I know they are there if we want them. Not that I know which box a certain book is in of course.

      You're old friend Domino turned into a fine cat didn't he?

    2. Yes, a fine cat, looks regal almost.

    3. Thanks Cumbrian. He's not very regal when he catches the spiders and mice. He appears on the kitchen window sill every morning rain or shine. Quite a character really!

  4. I love being in the poly tunnel but I do have a stool to sit on and a few potting benches, if I got on the floor I might not get back up again :-)

    1. Hi Dawn, I never understood wht the ground is down there and we are up above it. I just sit on a kneeling weeding stool or an up turned bucket and help myself to compost from a compost bag and pot up my cuttings. It would be nice to have a long bench in the tunnel. Thanks!

  5. We are going to get a poly tunnel soon, and look forward to using it, especially when the weather is inclement.

  6. You will love your poly tunnel Vera. You will extend your growing season and you will be able to grow more plants and vegetables to sell in your shop. The only downside is they get very hot (40 degrees) in summer and you obviously have to keep livestock away from them. Somebody even suggested putting a washing line in ours. It wasn't me! Thanks!

  7. Good to know that our poly tunnel is not the only one in need of a tidy. Dobson, our dog was once accidentally locked in there - we ended up with a cartoon style dog-shaped hole in the polythene door. My husband couldn't get cross as he'd been the last one in there!


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