Sunday, 20 May 2018

A Recycled Rusty Garden Table And Carrot Wheelbarrow Planter....

Here are some more of my recycling uses around the veg plot.  I made use of a  rusty old garden table for putting cuttings in pots in the poly-tunnel.  It doesn't look very attractive but its perfectly functional and its not ready for the scrap metal pile yet.  

 I bought this wheelbarrow because it had plastic sides and thus it was very light when moving soil and muck around.  They are not partial to big stones and paving slabs and it finally cracked when we use it for a concrete job.  The wheel is punctured too.  

No worries thinks me.  I utilized the wheelbarrow for growing our carrots in,  So I put it in situ and filled it with a sandy soil mix.  Checking for stones along the way.  Carrots don't like too rich or stony soil.   Then we sowed it with carrot seeds.  

The carrots are sown more than twelve inches above the ground. So in theory Mr and Mrs Carrot Fly should not give them any trouble.  They don't fly above twelve inches.  Not many people know that!
I could not resist giving the new Catmint cuttings a yank and seeing if any roots had formed.  They had.  See picture.  This is now potted up on the the patio garden table.  Isn't nature incredible?  


  1. Yes, nature is incredible. Wish I had taken advantage of that fact when I was younger. I like the new blog look. The paler type is easier on my eye.

  2. Hi Valerie. Glad you like the new blog look. Think George Bernard Shaw said: "Youth is wasted on the young". Nature is incredible. We just help it a bit in the garden sometimes. Thanks!

  3. Looks like plenty going on in your garden and no opportunity for growing something somewhere is missed. Thanks Dave. I like the blog font.

  4. Thanks Rachel. I seem to have more areas used for propagating perennials than I do vegetables these days. It's a good hobby that actually pays for itself. I will try to keep to the Courier font. Thanks for your encouragement and comments.

  5. I'am glad to read the whole content of this blog and am very excited,Thank you for sharing good topic.



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