Tuesday 12 March 2019

Potato Planting In Polystyrene Planters In The Polytunnel.

"Peter  Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers."  That's what my blog title sounds like, doesn't it?  Today is March the twelfth.  Traditionally In Ireland, Praeties (potatoes) were planted on St Patrick's Day, the 17th.  This is also the day when the cows went out for the summer grazing.  

However after the warmest February and probably the wettest March we have resorted to plant some in my office, my poly-tunnel.  

Regular readers will know that I have lots of recycling ideas and a great believer that gardening and vegetable gardening in particular should not cost much.

The old estate  gardeners believed in home made compost, and make do and mending and propagation by cuttings and division.

Number one son bought a new welder and it came in a cardboard box which I used in the veg plot and it's polystyrene packaging is now a potato planter in the poly-tunnel.  I just punctured some drainage holes and filled them up with compost from my compost piles.

We bought some seed potatoes (2 bags for 5 Euros) from our favourite German garden (Lidl) centre in Bantry and planted  8 potatoes in the two planters.  Then we covered them up with some more of our homemade compost.  I also planted some red onions in trays.  They will be planted out in a week or three when they start shooting and they won't rot in the cold and wet soil.  I have planted my white onions outside a couple of weeks ago and they are not happy bunnies. 

We will plant the other early potatoes in a couple of weeks and this gives me time to clear the plot of weeds and for it to dry out.  Have you started thinking or even planting in the veg plot? We have got seeds sprouting in the kitchen and they love the warmth of the central heating.  


  1. I'M sure I can find some sprouting spuds and an old bucket or flower pot. I'll bung 'em in and see what happens. Nothing ventured nothing gained, as the old adage has it.

  2. Hi Gwil. I once grew some spudatoes in a big plant pot filled with compost in the window of our flat. I once met a tight wad (sounds like me) allotment holder who grew his potatoes from the eyes of his potato peelings. Good luck and thanks for the comment!

  3. The peelings will grow Gwil. But seed potatoes give a better harvest. They are always cheap to buy in Aldi and Lidl. I got some red hot pokers last week. Good luck!

  4. I don't think I'll be going outside to do any potting or anything unless the weather warms up a bit. It is turning into a cold and wet March. It seems colder than snow.

  5. Hi Rachel. Hopefully the cold and wet weather won't be with us long. I am just glad we have a polytunnel to garden in and still prepare for the growing season. It's been wild here today with hail, rain and wind. Thanks!

  6. I always wanted a vegetable patch but hubby didn't. He won the argument and looking back I'm glad he did 'cause I wouldn't be able to work a patch now. Sad really when I have a garden that's cut out for an allotment.

  7. Hi Valerie. I couldn't live anywhere without a garden to grow plants and vegetables. It's surprising how much can be grown in a plant pot or a growbag on a patio. Thanks.

  8. We do not make compost here, because Lester has not got round to making me a proper composting area. Instead, I throw all the compost making material on the raised beds to rot down. I dream of having DIY compost. I am easily pleased don't you think!

  9. Hi Vera. I stand four pallets tied together with string in a corner and pile it all up with lawn and hedge clippings, leaves, weeds and seaweed..? Then it gets covered with old carpet or silage plastic and the worms and aneorobic bacteria and mother nature does the rest. I also buy cheap potting compost from places like Lidl for seed compost and potting up. Good luck with your compost making. Thanks!

    1. That's a good idea. I have two pallets already, now to hunt down two more! Thanks

  10. Thanks Vera. You could knock a few old fence posts in the ground to support the pallets or an old door stood up on its side would suffice too instead of pallets. I would be collecting the mole hill soil you told us about on your blog once. Leaves are also worth collecting in black plastic bags and leaving them for twelve months or so. The leaf mould and mole hill soil will make wonderful friable compost/soil. Good luck!

  11. Thanks for sharing this useful post. Keep on posting.
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