Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Butterflies And Buddleia.

June was fabulous weather and many farmers made hay in Cork and Kerry.

July was very disappointing weather wise and hopefully August and September will make up for it and there will be an Indian ☀️ Summer.

Meanwhile out in the garden the old painted ladies and red admirals have been feeding on the nectar of the Buddleias in the gardens around our smallholding.

Today is my last day of work and tomorrow I will pack my rucksack and set off on my journey to dear old Blighty.  I'm meeting an old friend and we are visiting some famous literary haunts and walking, using public transport and watching some Rock icons and drinking so fine real 🍺. 

I hope to take some photos for the old blog and write down a few tales for your perusal.  

Happy days!



  1. Have a great holiday Dave and enjoy the beer and music and hopefully some sunshine.

    1. Thanks Rachel. I still miss England. For it's different shires, real ales and ancient places and Rock music

  2. Looking forward to hearing about your Blight adventures.

    1. I am sure I will come back with some photos and tales Linda.

  3. Have a good trip!
    I am aiming to have nettles by our buddleia bush, both for insects

    1. Thanks GZ. Sedums attract the butterflies 🦋.

  4. Enjoy, enjoy!!! You've been longing for days like this since I began reading your blog during COVID.

  5. Buddleia is lovely stuff wjhen flowering but so wildly unruly it shouldn't be allowed near small urban gardens. I know, i know...cut it back every year but I'm a lazy gardener, i prefer to plant stuff and leave them to get on with it. Annual pruning is not a 'thing' in my garden (explains the poor return on my spple trees). Enjoy your annual walkabout.

    1. It's a shrub for a big border Tiggers Mum. I love Buddleia.

  6. Have a lovely time over here in The Motherland!

    I have seen plenty of cowboy films and so I would not wish an indian summer on anyone. You're liable to get scalped.

  7. There's plenty of cowboys in Ireland and England YP. Thanks.

  8. Looking forward to photos.


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