Friday 13 January 2012

My Mum Was So Proud When My Book Was Published.

Its been a strange week - a terrible week.  I said goodbye to my mother.  To lose your mother is heart breaking.  It puts everything else into perspective.  You only have one mother and you have no bigger fan.

I remember how proud my mother was when she held my book in her hand when it was published.

"Eeh David.  To think my son's a published author.  I have never known a writer before.  I always thought they had be middle class or been to university!"

Like I said:  My mother was my biggest fan.


  1. Sorry to read that Dave, I lost my own mother about 2 years ago.
    Sad but it gets better "Time's a great healer"

  2. Thanks for the wonderful kind words. Sorry to hear that you lost your mother. Time is a great healer.

    Many Thanks.

  3. Dave, sorry to read your sad news. I'd been wondering what had happened to you. Condolences to all the family, it's a difficult time for everyone.

  4. Thanks for your kind words. I am dazed and confused (you know what I mean)at the moment. But I am back writing again. I have somebody special in Heaven now to scatter the luck around. Thanks!


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