Friday, 27 March 2015

A Mellow Yellow Walk In The Irish Countryside.

"They called it mellow yellow".

The old mental jukebox started to play when we went on our 4 mile walk for the second time this week.  I happened to see a discarded yellow Coca Cola can lying in some grass.  I don't think there was a yellow Coca Cola, was there?  It must have changed colour almost camouflage.

A mellow yellow Coca cola tin.

I really hate litter.  One thing I notice on my walks there are no litter bins.  Course people shouldn't drop litter.  But Surely ("don't call me Shirley") the councils should provide bins?  I would gladly go around picking up the litter and emptying the bins.  There are so few rural jobs and I think this would be a good reason to create a few.  Can you think of any ways of creating some rural jobs?

Any road.  The song started playing in my head.  Here it is for your enjoyment.  I once saw Donovan at Glastonbury festival in 1989.  Then he walked passed me a few years a go in Bantry town centre.  I felt like letting on but of course I was too shy.


  1. Thanks for the earworm! I shall be singing that song all day now!haha :) I must say, i fully agree about the bin situation! The area where i live is pretty rural and we often walk to the nearest town, but it saddens me to see so much litter on what would be such a divine country stroll :( xx

  2. Hi UD. Yes songs stick in your head, don't they? I think it's only when you walk and look in the verges you see all the litter. I think they county councils should provide litter bins then motorists have no reason to drop litter. There is plastic everywhere. I hate to think how many farm and wild animals die because of it. I would gladly go round picking up the litter and emptying the bins if they would employ me to do it. Rural areas needs jobs. Thanks very much for your comment.

    1. I think most of the litter is thrown from car windows Dave, so litter bins would not help. In our area there are a few women who go around the local area a couple of times a year picking up rubbish that has been thrown from passing cars. They don't get paid to do it, they just like the area to look clean and tidy.

    2. Hi Anne just spotted your comment. I often see volunteer litter pickers near us. The councils should provide bins. Especially when we rural dwellers seem to be paying a property tax for little or no services. I think if there were litter bins people would use them. Thanks!

    3. Hi Anne just spotted your comment. I often see volunteer litter pickers near us. The councils should provide bins. Especially when we rural dwellers seem to be paying a property tax for little or no services. I think if there were litter bins people would use them. Thanks!

  3. Yes, road-side litter is an eyesore here in the Lake District, I think most of it is thrown from cars, I even saw one car throw a babies nappy out of the window. The Council have litter-picking crews, but they have an up-hill battle.

  4. Hi Cumbrian. There seems to be a litter problem every where. I think councils should provide litter bins and create rural jobs. Everything seems to be made of plastic these days and there is far too much packaging on everything. What happened to wrapping things in paper? Thanks!


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