Monday, 10 April 2017

The Last Of My Algarve Photographs. Honest!

I think we brought the nice weather back with us to Ireland.  The last three photographs you will be glad I bet?

Amazing sand sculpture in Armacao De Pera.
A real cart on a roof and the donkey is a photograph.  
Donkey and cart and people driving passed a petrol station.  Wouldn't it be great if we went back to horse (donkey) and carts?  

We also saw a donkey and cart full of grass that looked like Italian Alfalfa grass.  I didn't have my mobile phone at hand to take the picture because we happened to be riding a long in a taxi at the time.  I said to the taxi driver lady with the lovely painted finger nails (dark blue with diamonds):

"Are they gypsies?"

She replied:

"Si they are gypsies."  

Hope you enjoyed the photographs?  Have you any holiday plans?


  1. When the oil runs out, we will all be back to horse and cart rather than electric cars. For some reason I am quite fearful of donkeys and horses, they are up their with things that fly, birds, daddy long legs etc

    I dont think we will have a holiday this year. But if we move to Cornwall and I go part time I will be on holiday most of the time!

  2. Hi Sol. I read that there are thirty three million cars in the UK. Quite frightening for such a small island. I think we become fearful of donkeys and horses because we are not use to them any more. One of my greatest childhood memories was coming to Ireland and riding around on the horse and cart with the car tyres, haymaking by hand with pitchforks of loose hay and taking the milk churns to the churn stand down the road.

    The West Country will give you lots of great holiday breaks Sol. Cornwall is my favourite county in England. Herefordshire isn't far behind either. You will be on holiday most of the time won't you?

  3. Hey Dave my old neighbour used to travel regularly into the local village on his ass and cart. Come to that several other folk around here used pony and traps to visit the pub and that wasn't that long ago.

  4. Hi Heron. I never see horses, ponies and traps any more apart from the odd Cheval rides in West Cork sadly. You don't see the tourist Romany caravans either. Wish they would come back.

  5. I am enjoying all your photos Dave. Most of the travellers around here have horses and some go around the roads in pony and traps on Sundays. Mostly they use Ford Transits though..

    1. Thanks Rachel. We see the pony and traps in Ireland too. I haven't seen any Ford Transit farm visitors for a while. Thanks!

    2. Most of the travellers around here are Irish.

    3. Yes we often meet them at car boot sales selling tools.. They visit the farms too selling gates and feeding troughs and tools.. We usually buy something off them.

  6. The Algarve only gets more appealing. The sand sculpture is amazing. And the sand!! Much nicer than our beaches.

    1. The sand castle sculpture was a work of art LA. A young man and woman were sat near the sand sculpture. I think they constructed it. I love the Algarve and I am sure you would like it too. Thanks!

  7. Donkey and cart, it appeals to me as a form of transportation. My husband and I considered moving to the Algarve years ago, it was less developed then.

  8. Hello Terra. I would love to see a return to the donkey and cart. The Algarve is still quiet and undeveloped if you look say twenty minutes away from the coast, in the hills and villages.. Thanks for your comment Terra.

  9. But how far can a donkey walk in a day?

    Somebody once worked out that Joseph, Mary and Jesus must have used 20 donkeys on the flight into Egypt. There was no RyanAir in those days.

  10. Hi Gwil. You are very funny. It reminds me of that joke: What does a Blackpool donkey get for dinner? Half an hour?

    I bet you got a free drink on the flight into Egypt unlike Ryan Air. We added Priority Boarding when booked our flight. On the return from Faro an air stewardess said: "This queue is for priority boarding." I said: "I know am in it.!" Then she said: "Sorry".

    Thanks Gwil.

    1. Your donkey joke has me in a good mood. I can't wait to tell it somebody.

    2. Don't encourage me Gwil. I am glad you enjoyed the donkey joke.

    3. Don't encourage me Gwil. I am glad you enjoyed the donkey joke.

  11. I found it interesting how your notes only focus on website..
    โคนัน เดอะมูฟวี่


More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...