Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Potato Eyes A Clean Poly-tunnel And A Very Friendly Lion Called Parsley.

 Remember when I planted the potato eyes/skins a few weeks a go?
 This is them now roaring to go and be planted out side.
 Some onions and peas we planted at the same time.
Finally tidied up all the plant pots and made myself a potting area.  Complete with deck chair and cheap compost from one of the cheap German supermarkets - my garden centre!  I have been splitting up many perennial plants and making lots more.

We have also been weeding all week.  Kneeling down and looking like we are praying to the great weed god.  People with a bit of sense would use weedkiller but not me.

Do you remember this song?


  1. I think the deck chair in the potting area is the most important item to have there!

    1. Yes the deck chair is a must Vera. I have even considered a radio but I don't like most of the modern music they play these days. It must be my age or that I appreciate great music from the sixties.... Thanks!

  2. Very professional but where's the beer cooler?

    1. What a good idea. It's not far to go to the fridge in the house though.

  3. Hey Dave, do you have to get planning permission for every thing over there like we do? for instance the poly tunnel you have. I am finding really interesting as my Friends who moved to France, now they have finished the house, they applied to put up 'professional green houses' so they can supply local restaurants with vegetables. They filled all the paperwork out. Submitted it, I think in triplicate. They sat in the local office and like lightning, bang it was done. I dont know if it normally that quick in France. The mayor lives 2 doors, and is one of the neighbours.

    We have to wait at least 3 months here, with site visits.

    1. Hi Sol, I think you are supposed to ask for planning permission for a tunnel. But like Rachel says if its not commercial nobody bothers. Councils like to know the square metres for rates on commercial tunnels.

      When I was in Portugal I asked a solicitor how long does it take to get planning permission to restore an annexe. He said: "One morning."

      You go into the planning department with photographs and your plans and they give you a renovation certificate.

      I use to know of a village in Cheshire that didn't allow satellite dishes and only a certain kind of chimney pot. The French mayor sounds like it is in Portugal. Everybody knows everybody. Unlike here in Ireland. It can take six months to get planning permission.

      Thanks Sol.

    2. My house is grade 2 listed and I rang the council,didn't give my address, and asked if I could put up a satellite dish without permission. The woman was unfriendly, said no I couldn't and if I wanted to put in a cat flap I also had to have permission for that. She said that it would take 8 to 12 weeks to get the permission and would have to go before the parish council as well as the district council so would most like take 12 to 15 weeks. I put the phone down. I rang an independent Sky dish installer and he said, no problem, I'll come and put it up for you, I do them all the time without planning permission, hidden either round the back or on the ground and not breaking rules. He said he had just done one for a vicar on an old rectory who wanted to watch Formula 1 on Sky! I thought if it is good enough for the vicar it's good enough for me!

    3. Good on you Rachel. How could a satellite dish need permission. I wish power companies were not allowed to fly cables and put them under ground.

  4. Commercial polytunnels may need planning permission but individuals for home stuff don't need it around here. Fortunatly. Those potatoes are coming on well and everything is looking healthy Dave. The chair is very important.

    1. Norfolk sounds like here Rachel. Although I do see planning notices for tunnels in the newspapers. I will plant them out next week when the rain starts. The chair is very important. I might make a potting bench too. Thanks!

  5. It will be interesting to see how the potatoes fare, things seemed to have slowed here, the sudden drop in temertures have slowed down growth although it will soon be racing away again, I am going to have a big planting out session in the next week,

    1. Hi Dawn. My potatoes outside are poking their way through the soil and I have earthed up the ridges. We only grow earlies because I don't really like spraying and Ireland is terrible for Blight. It gets very cold at night and the grass growth on the lawns is very slow. Look forward to reading your blog. I must get some Brassica seeds sown this week. Thanks!

  6. Sadly Parsley is after my time ;)

    1. I am 54 this year Gwil and I remember him and the Sages.

  7. All looking great!! I still have empty beds here in the poly waiting for warmer weather for the tomatoes and outside because the slugs ate everything. The weeds are growing away happily though

    1. Thanks Chickpea. No slug problems here at the moment. But it's supposed to return to rain this weekend and the slugs and snails will no doubt return. The weeds never stop. But if they won't grow, nothing will grow!

  8. i really likes your blog and You have shared the whole concept really well. and Very beautifully soulful read! thanks for sharing.



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