Saturday, 2 September 2017

I Thought I Saw The Amish Shopping At An Irish Farm Store.

We noticed this unusual sight at our local Drinagh store the other day.  We usually go there for lamb nuts and coal... The coal is for us, the sheep have fur coats to keep warm.  

You don't see many horses and carts these days, sadly.  When I use to come to West Cork on my holidays in the sixties and early seventies.  You still saw the carts carrying churns and loose hay..  My grandfather had an horse and cart with rubber car wheels.  It was wonderful to go down the fields on the horse and cart and along the roads dropping the milk churns off at the concrete churn stands.  

When we emigrated (moved from England) to Ireland in 2001.  There was still a local farmer who still went to town with his horse and cart.  One day he had the sow sat beside him on the cart going up the Cork road from Bantry.  My four year old son noticed this incredible sight while we travelled in the car.  He said to his mum:  

"Where is the farmer taking the sow?"  

My wife replied:

"For a ride out."  

The farmer was taking it to see the boar!  

When was the last time you saw an horse and cart?  I think we all have a bit of cowboy or cow girl in our blood.  It must have been all those Western films from childhood.  I use to sit on the back of the couch and watch the Virginians and Champion The Wonder Horse.."  Happy Days!

Here's a video by my favourite Irish band, good old Thin Lizzy.  I was lucky enough to see them way back in 1981 at Manchester Apollo on their Renegade Tour.  I saw one of their members Snowy White, again in 2013.  He played guitar on Roger Waters The Wall tour in Warsaw.  Enjoy the song.

I think Live And Dangerous is probably the greatest live album ever.  Did you ever see Thin Lizzy?


  1. I saw Thin Lizzy at Newcastle Poly in 1972 before they became famous, they played in a "side" room and there was only a small audience. I thought they were good and I remember it being extremely loud and a guitar solo.

    We see the travellers around here on pony and carts sometimes going up and down the roads especially on Sundays.

  2. Hi Rachel, I think Think Lizzy never really got the praise they deserved. Some of there songs are all time rock classics and up there with the best of the heavy rock groups.

    We see the sulky carts and some times Cheval rides here in West Cork. Thanks!

  3. The last horse and cart I saw was a four wheeler on the outskirts of Enniscorthy, Co.Wexford and a fine sight it was too. Of course there are a few in Killarney that the jarveys use to show tourists about the place.

    1. Hi Heron. We often see the jaunting carts taking tourists around Killarney and Muckross House. We visited Muckross House a month a go. Amazing place but they didn't allow you to take photographs. I would have posted them on the blog. Thanks!

  4. Agree about Thin Lizzy, Dave. Never got to see them alas. I know he was not with them for very long but Gary Moore was a great blues guitarist and I often listen to him on You Tube. Like Rachel, we have travellers around where we are who sometimes trot by on a pony and trap. When I was growing up on the outskirts of Romford, a rag and bone man regularly went down our on a horse and cart, ringing his bell.

    1. I once saw Gary Moore at the Milton Keynes bowl. Parisienne Walkways and Empty Rooms are my favourites. There must be some incredible rock concerts in Heaven.

      I remember the the rag and bone man from childhood. He use to give you a balloon for your rags. Thanks Philip.


  5. Here's my Irish building site joke. Hope you like it.

    Apprentice: "What's the difference between joist and girder?"

    Foreman: "Joist wrote Ulysses and Girder wrote Faust."

    1. A very clever joke Gwil. I have never read Ulysses, have you?

  6. When I was about 8 I had a pony that was really a trap pony. She hated having me on her back, but was fine in front of the trap. On Sundays my father would walk about 5 miles down to his favourite pub', and at a certain time I used to drive the trap to collect him. This was over 60 years ago, and in Surrey it was a rare sight even then!

  7. A wonderful memory from your childhood Cro. I have read stories about the horse and cart bringing home their owner from the pub. Sometimes with him fast asleep and the horse knowing its way home. Thanks!

  8. We have several Amish families in the community so we still still see the horses and carriages. When I was a boy my Grandfather still used horses on his farm. He once told me, "I always feel guilty when I use a tractor to do something a horse could do."

    Never saw Thin Lizzy, but what a great song. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Hello Bill. I would love to see Amish families. I admire how they live. Your grandfather was so right and you don't have to listen to the noisy engine of a tractor. Saying that I do own a Ford 3000. But she is not that noisy really. Glad you like the song Bill. Great photograph!

  10. Hello Bill. I would love to see Amish families. I admire how they live. Your grandfather was so right and you don't have to listen to the noisy engine of a tractor. Saying that I do own a Ford 3000. But she is not that noisy really. Glad you like the song Bill. Great photograph!

  11. This was over 60 years ago, and in Surrey it was a rare sight even then!



More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...