Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Digging For Victory With Pictures And Sound.

A friend of mine recently emailed me to tell me of a new British band called: Public Service Broadcasting.  They are touring Europe this Autumn and Winter.  They have an original way of combining their music with old  black and white film footage.  Four  videos of theirs that I really like are: Digging For Victory, If War Should Come, They Gave Me A Lamp and Spitfire.  Here's Digging For Victory.   They remind me of a modern day Pink Floyd using the medium of film and music.  Have you heard of them?  What do you think?  I think they are playing Dublin in January:  "Hmm...?"


  1. Hello......yes I have heard of them...they are very good, although my mister and his friend went to see them live on Saturday night and felt very out of place with all the university age audience there! Pink Floyd are great and I saw them years I even go to the Australian Pink Floyd tribute band concerts as they are so good.

  2. Hello Libby. I know what you mean about feeling out of place at a concert. I went to see The Night Of The Prog Festival in Loreley in Germany in July. It was great to see people of my age (fifties) and younger and older in the arena audience.

    I saw Roger Waters play the Wall in Warsaw in 2013. I never saw Pink Floyd though I bought some of their albums. Thanks!

  3. I haven't heard of them. I see what you mean about Pink Floyd similarities.

  4. Hi Rachel. I only heard of them recently. They look like they would be good in a massive arena with giant screens. Check out their other videos, I think you will like them. Thanks for your comment!

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More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...