Monday, 1 January 2018

I've Seen The Future And Its Not Garlic Bread.

Happy New Year to you all!  Lets hope we get a summer this year and lots of sunshine.  

I went to the new Lidl in Bantry the other evening and picked up one of their leaflets with the latest weekend Super Savers!

They are selling: Biodegradeable Bin Liners.  It makes sense doesn't it eh?  The only way to get rid of plastic pollution is to make it biodegradable or stop making it!    What do you think please?

Here's a reflective song by my favourite Rock band Kansas.  I penned  (typed) a post last year about me flying to Warsaw in 2014 to see them.  I have only ever experienced tears of joy three times in my life: twice when I saw my children born and once when I saw Kansas play, enjoy.  


  1. Happy New Year Dave. Yes, plastic is a big problem. The scientists have been telling us this for t least the last 20 years but the publicity is only just bringing it to public attention. We need to stop buying single use plastic where we can at the very least.

  2. Happy New Year Philip.

    It alarms me how much plastic is used in the vegetable garden and in the supermarket. I read that wrapping a cucumber in polythene gives it an extended
    shelf life. Thanks!

  3. Happy New Year Dave. The use of plastic bags should be stopped and plastic bottles; we used to manage without them. I object to vegetables and things like cucumbers in polythene. The supermarkets around here even put cauliflowers and cabbages in polythene.

    1. Happy New Year Rachel. I think its time we back to paper and string bags. I have even seen so called organic vegetable flown in from Israel in plastic bags. You're right plastic bags have got to stop. Thanks!

  4. As from January 1 we'll have to pay for our supermarket bags. I wonder if it will make any difference. I usually take along a big canvas shopping bag to carry my stuff.

    1. Hi LA. They introduced a plastic bag levy here in Ireland in 2002. I think its twenty two Cents but there is no levy on bags for veg or meat. Tesco sell a strong canvas bag called a 'bag for life." I often wonder how much we pay per item for our packaging on our food and drink. Its time we went back to buying everything loose and placing it in a paper bag and burning it on the fire or composting it. Thanks and have a great 2018.

  5. I only know the expression eyes like a shithouse rat, when somebody for example finds a fiver on the floor in the bar. Never heard the ears one. It's good to know that Herr Lidl is doing something for the environment. Where do they come from? I mean where are they made?

    1. I don't know id its eyes or ears Gwil. But I have heard both expressions used. I think Herr Lidl should be congratulated if he's going to sell green/ biodegradable products. We have still have a lot to do in terms of catching up with Austria and her recycling policies.

  6. Replies
    1. Happy New Year John. I look forward to reading about your travels in your van this year!

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