Sunday, 1 July 2018

Plant Cuttings For Free.

Have you started saying: "Is it hot or is it me?"

They have introduced an hosepipe ban in Dublin.   Be careful the Hosepipe Police may arrest you for watering your plants!  They won't ban exhaust pipes and all the pollution the cars are making will they?

When I went to Dorset I couldn't get over how busy English roads are these days.  Especially walking along the A35 near Dorchester.  The noise and speed and rubbish in the verges was horrendous.  We met a decorator in a beautiful Victorian Anglican church who told us there would be no cars in one hundred years time.  I wonder what Thomas Hardy would of thought about it all?

Any way.  Before I went on my travels.  I made these Cotoneaster and Nepeta cuttings.  You don't need any special skills to make new plants.  Just some scissors or secateurs, compost, rooting powder and a lot of patience. 

Yesterday I potted on twelve new plants.  All for absolutely nothing.  I gave them a good watering and they are now on their holidays in the shade under one of our hedges.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I forgot to mention the missus and thank her for watering the plants and gardens while I was away. Thanks Mrs wife!

  3. Apropos Dieselgate. That EU role model country that is always in the driving seat and likes to lecture the other members as to how they should live has been caught manipulating the diesel emissions figures using computer softwear. Some emissions as high as 9x the advertised figures!!! If they ever face justice you can kiss my ass* (*he lives in a donkey sanctuary but he's not really mine ;-) )

  4. You will know all about the VW Dieselgate Gwil.

    I get tired of nearly being hit by cars on country roads whilst walking. In Dorset it seemed far more dangerous. Met an old man who told me they wont renew is driving licence because of his age. He has a bus pass but the nearest bus stop was two miles away. Overgrown verges are another curse. County councils dont seem to bother cutting them anymore or care about runners and walkers with 80 K speeds. Thanks!

    1. Recently swapped my British for an Austrian driving licence (Expiry 2032- age 85).

    2. Good idea. I am going to apply for an Irish passport especially has it looks highly probable that their will be a no deal Brexit. I still hope to live in Portugal soon.

    3. I can't have an Austrian passport unless I give up my UK. The lunatics may one day be in charge of the asylum. Who knows what the future holds?

    4. Gosh! The future looks very uncertain.

    5. This Polytunnel Book Club of yours needs a kick up the arse. I've therefore posted the first selection on my blog. If you don't like it you can read the backs of your seed packets instead ,:-) but if you insist I'll let you off with the ingredients on a sauce bottle label. I can't say fairer than that.

    6. Can't be fairer than that Gwil. I will pop over immediately and read your offering. Thanks.

    7. Rachel thinks there should be a unique blog for the Polytunnel Book Club. I tend to agree. Problem is where are we going to find the mug to run it? Hey, don't look at me . . .

    8. It could grow as big as your dock weed, that's another problem.

  5. Patience is often the missing ingredient Dave!

  6. Yes patience is the missing key ingredient Philip. Plastic bags retain the moisture too. Its too hot for cuttings at the moment. There are a few plant casualties too. I will be watering my plants in pots, the polytunnel and veg and flower beds tonight when its cooler. Its becoming a chore. Thanks!

  7. I have a lot of cotoneaster. It is lovely. These days, all I can do with plants is admire them.

  8. Hi Valerie. Cotoneaster is lovely and attracts the bees and the berries are fruit for the birds in winter. They are very easy to propagate from cuttings. Thanks.

  9. Really a beautiful blog.It is very astonishing and marvelous design.



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