Thursday, 5 July 2018

Some Pictures From Hardy Country.

 Waterstone Farm.  The inspiration for Weatherbury Farm in Far From The Madding Crowd.  I could just imagine Bathsheba Everdene looking out of one of the windows and viewing her sprawling estate farm.
 Spotted this ancient sign.  Made when convicts could be still deported to Australia. Click on the picture to read the sign.
Max Gate and garden.  I could just imagine Thomas Hardy entertaining his literary friends.


  1. Strange place Australia, it used to be that you needed a criminal conviction to get there, but now you can't get in if you've got one!

  2. Very true! A lot of young people from Ireland have emigrated to Australia and America since 2008. Thanks!

  3. I like that notice, wish we could have a few like it in the UK.
    My stepdaughter married an Australian. She had to learn the history before she could become a true Australian.

    1. Hi Valerie. Yes I like that notice too. It must be worth a lot of money. Dorchester isn't very far from Tolpuddle. So there is an Australian connection there. Thanks.

  4. Who would ever dream of injuring that little bridge?

    A man was sent to Australia for stealing a chicken.

    When you could go there on a ship for ten pounds my parents talked it over.
    I'm thankful we didn't go. It's so far away from everything.

    I've seen the New Seekers perform though.

    1. It use to take five weeks to get to Australia by boat Gwil. It does seem an awful long way to go. My dad use to play The Seekers and The Dubliners and the Clancy Brothers records a lot when I was small. Thanks.

  5. I sent off for the papers for the £10 Poms. I was about 10 at the time. I got all excited about it and my mother let me send off for the information. Of course she knew we were never going! I started collecting maps of the world instead! I like your photos of Wessex especially Max Gate and Garden.

  6. I have read about the ten pound poms Rachel. It was good to visit Hardys houses and some of his fictional characters and scenery. Wessex is well worth visiting. Thanks!

  7. Hi! I have a Border Terrier. Now that I have read your comments on Rachels blog I shall make sure I support that team too.

  8. Hi Weaver. Huddersfield are nicknamed The Terriers. I suppose dogs could support other teams that are called Rovers too. Just a bit of fun. Thanks.

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