Sunday, 15 August 2021

Beetroots And Yellow Wellies.


"Oh they called them yellow wellies!"

That's me this very morning harvesting a very nice beetroot specimen in 'Portugal' my plastic polytunnel pal.

I sowed them and planted them in a polystyrene welder packing case.  They've had no chemicals just chicken pellets and some of my cow poo and nettles garden tea.  

Like the great comedian Frank Carson would say: " It's a cracker!"

Like the majority of our vegetables, beetroot originate in the middle east and are said to be a seaside plant.    They like a sprinkle of salt when they are growing and it also helps keeps the slugs and snails away.

Beetroot is very popular in Russia and central and Eastern Europe.  Beetroot is very good for cleansing the blood too.

The beetroot is now boiling away in a big pan with it's leaves still intact.  Brotherhood of Man recorded the following b side to the Eurovision song contest, honest!

"Beetroots for tea.  Save your beetroots for me...  "


  1. Apparently good for lowering blood pressure too - whether that's the eating or the time spent in the garden tending them has yet to be clarified..... F loves pickled slices of 'em in cheese sandwiches.

  2. Hi Tigger. Yes they are supposed to be good for you. I use to grow them and parsnips for my late mother and dad. We've ate borscht in Poland. Thanks for commenting.

  3. I love beetroot and prefer them simply boiled rather than pickled. However, I always seem to forget the colourful effect they have on the old waterworks and get a shock the next day.

  4. Been there, got the tshirt and told by my my ex nurse wife that I'm still an hypochondriac when I've been for a number one JayCee 😊. Beetroots are supposed to be very good for you.

  5. "Oh they called them yellow wellies!"... I do declare that that is a clever reference to Donovan's song - "Mellow Yellow".
    I'm just mad about beetroots
    And beetroots are mad about me
    I'm a just a mad about beetroots
    And we're 'aving them for our tea.

  6. You're quite good with your music YP! I saw him play at Glastonbury in 1989 and he's walked past me in Bantry. Funnily enough he lives near Mallow in county Cork: " Oh they called him Mallow Yellow".

  7. I still boil a bunch of beetroot every Sunday for the week. Definitely a very healthy addition to the diet, can be eaten at any time of the day with or without anything else. Excellent for lowering the blood pressure.

  8. Hi Rachel. Beetroot are great for lowering the blood pressure. We should all eat more of them. Thanks!

  9. Beetroot and garlic sauce go together here. Pity they're a winter Vege. Won't be long!

  10. Hi Linda. The Algarve vegetable gardens are the same and full of our summer vegetables in winter.

  11. I'm not a fan of beets, but you've got me intrigued. You just boil them up and then what? Mash 'em? Slice 'em? Any seasonings?

  12. Slice them and eat them or even pickle them Debby.

  13. I've had pickled beets. Not a fan. Beets are okay, but I'm interested in why so many people love them here, and wondered if I was missing a recipe.

    1. Dunno. Beetroot soup is good and so are beetroot sandwiches.

  14. Ps, they call them yellow wellies, quite rightly

    1. I often get comments from people about my yellow wellies Debby. They're steel toe capped.

  15. I love beetroot, but haven't grown any for a few years. I prefer them cold in salad. (I am still peeved because I can't comment on this or several other blogs without firing up the iPad!)

  16. It's always worth growing a row of them veg artist. You should start your own blog and we can follow you and you will be able to comment.

  17. they are apparently nice sliced very thin when raw with goats cheese


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