Friday, 1 October 2021

Miracles Out Of Somewhere. .

 I've got back into reading books again.  Well Ebooks and Kindle to be precise.  Every working week day I read my Kindle ebook on the fifteen minutes ferry to the island and back.  It's a good way to pass the time and exercise my brain.

My friend and fellow Kansas band fan in Poland recommended some Kansas reading the other week.  So I duly paid for and downloaded via Kindle Miracles Out of Somewhere by Kansas founding member Kerry Livgren.

It's  a memoir and full of life experiences and how a little Rock band from Topeka near Kansas who became Rock royalty and how he became a born again Christian .  

There are miracles like long lost guitars returning, pathos when Kerry and his wife have life threatening challenges through stroke and cancer.

For me a Kansas fan it was the tales about Kansas on the road and the writing of the all time Prog classic Dust In The Wind.  I really enjoyed the book and I feel I know more about one of my favourite if not my my favourite Prog Rock band: Kansas.

I am lucky enough nay blessed to have seen Kansas live in 2014.  I never saw Kerry Livgren but in his book I feel through his writing I have got to know him.

Here's  Kerry with Kansas.


  1. Lucky you having seen the band live. That song is beautiful. A real classic

  2. It is good to find a book that you really enjoy reading, but such a shame when you get to the end! Unless you read it all again...

  3. Hi Linda. I use to listen to Kansas on record in England with my friends when I was a teenager and dreamed of seeing Kansas live. In 2014 my dream came true and I flew to Poland to see them. I waited over thirty years to see them. Dust In The Wind is a classic.

  4. Hi JayCee. You're right it's good to find a book you enjoy reading. It is a shame when you get to the end. It's good to be reading books again instead of just what I like to read on the internet, blogs for example. I must have lots of half read books. Something else we seem to collect are books.

  5. Beautiful song. It reminded me that I have seen many bands live, particularly at Fillmore West in San Francisco, always an exciting event. I also saw blues musicians in clubs including B.B. King in Oakland. He came over and sat at a table with my hubby and I. Ah, those were the days.

  6. Thanks for telling us about your live bands memories Terra. Nothing can ever replace the thrill or adrenaline of seeing your Rock and Blues heroes live. Bands like Kansas, Marillion, Rush, Emerson Lake and Palmer and Thin Lizzy are my exciting events. BB.King must of been awesome?

  7. Katrina from Katrina and the Waves also came from Topeka. The population of Topeka is just about the same as Cork City.

  8. I'm walking on sunshine YP. The Oz museum is nearby. Toto, Dorothy's dog in the Wizard of Oz was chosen for the name of the Rock band. I would love to visit Topeka and see Kansas again.

    1. Perhaps Kerry will invite you in to listen some previously unreleased Kansas tracks including a cover version of "Y Viva Espana" by Sylvia.

  9. "We're off to see the wizard" Perhaps? No hokey cokeys, I am the music man or the birdie song either!

  10. I am glad you have that book Dave. I will look for it too because I would like it. I listened to his interview on You Tube. What a great man and family. Katrina, mentioned above, designed and built a house on the North Norfolk coast. She recently put it up for sale.

  11. Hi Rachel. Hi love reading books about the Rock stars who I have listened to and watched from afar. Kerry Livgren is a great and very talented man. Thanks for telling us about Katrina and her house on the North Norfolk coast.

  12. I will look for this book. Thank you for calling it to my attention. We just got word that our canceled Doobie Brothers concert is back on for July of 2022. We've asked for a refund. Will life ever get back to normal?

  13. I hope you enjoy the book like I did Debby. We've had Paul Heaton and Jacqui Abbott's concert dates changed four times up to now. Fingers crossed for January.


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