Thursday 15 December 2022

Lady Chatterley's Bruvver. (2022).

 That's today's attempt at humour/humor?  Apparently he owned a chip shop in Nottingham.  It's got to be one of my best blog titles?

Seriously.  We watched the latest film adaptation of David Herbert Lawrence's book the other night.  It's on Netflix: Lady Chatterley's Lover.  

We probably have all read the book and seen the films  made about a loving affair between the social classes.

Do you think a Lady would have an affair with a Gamekeeper?   I would like to think that it could be possible.

The two lead actors are amazing.  Jack O'Connell played Mellors  the Gamekeeper and his Derbyshire accent really makes it sound like a character from where DH Lawrence was born

Emma Corrin who played Constance Chatterley is incredibly beautiful and reminded me of Lady Di in her facial mannerisms.    Apparently she played Diana in The Crown?  I haven't seen it have you?

Joely Richardson plays Mrs Bolton.  Her Nottingham/Derbyshire regional accent is very accurate and I remember her when she played Mrs Chatterley in the BBC adaptation thirty years ago,

I thought it was not a very good film ending but the passion and acting was first class.

Anyone else seen the film?

I love watching English Literature Classics  brought to life on screen.   If you are a believer in having a zest for life and Pantheism then this film is worth seeing.


  1. In answer to your question can it happen please be assured that it happens all the time, oh yes, Dave, it happens all the time and I won't go into any detail. I saw the film was there on Netflix but so far haven't watched it thinking that I had possibly seen and read enough of Lady Chatterley since the book first appeared in print and my mother was reading it. However now you have said how good it is I will watch it.

  2. I am not so keen on the modern remakes of these classics. For some reason I much prefer the originals, but then I am possibly just an old dinosaur.

  3. Thanks Rachel. I look forward to reading your film review on your blog. Like I said above I love seeing Classic English Literature brought to life on screen. D H Lawrence was very radical with his writing and his thinking especially in 1920's England.

  4. I also love originals JayCee but I also like the modern take on these stories. Social class struggles were prevalent when the book was published and they are still here today. I like how two people from a different social class could fall in love. It's a great story.

  5. I think you answered your own question before Rachel did when you mentioned the connection to Princess Diana...

    1. A lady and a humble Gamekeeper is quite a big stride in crossing the social classes. Gentry usually go for other people from the same upper class. Lady Diana was my favourite Royal. A lovely person with an heart of gold.

  6. Did my comment go into spam or do you use moderation?

  7. Yes I do have comment moderation on Tom.

  8. Jack O'Connell looks too much like a skinny film actor in my opinion. Mellors should be bigger and slightly brutish. His relationship with Constance is connected almost wholly with physical attraction - certainly not a meeting of minds. I studied the novel at university and I have often walked in the landscape that Lawrence called "The Country of my Heart". His early fiction still means a lot to me.

  9. I like Lawrence very much YP. I am reading his last book at the moment. He was such a radical writer and thinker and no friend of Capitalism and hated the exploitation of ordinary working people. He had Pantheistic beliefs and a pragmatic take on the forces of nature both good and bad. I think you interpret his writing very accurately YP. It's certainly worth watching. It would be interesting to read your take on the film.

  10. He was a very radical writer for his time, although he seems quite tame by today's standards. I believe that this 'crossing of lines' is not rare, although I imagine that your country was far more class conscious than my own country ever has been (although we do have our own 'elite'.)

  11. Thanks Debby for your comments. You have the Ivy League England's got it's old school tie networK like OxfordandCambridge . Most Tory PM 's still go down or are chosen from the Eton and Harrow route. Ireland is refreshingly free from social class. I think the book/film is about animal magnetism, even love. I have met a few very poor social classes girls that could have been beauty queen's The Virgin and the Gypsy for example.

  12. I've never seen this nor read the book. Maybe I should.

  13. The book is a good read and the films are well worth watching River.


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