Monday, 12 December 2022

Meet Rudolf/Rudolph The German Supermarket Reindeer


Wifey brought this fellow home from the German garden centre and beer 🍺 providers and supermarket the other day.

The plant is a Cyclamen I 🤔.   You don't need to put up all the Christmas decorations but you can still get into the swing of Christmas by letting a reindeer into your home.  


  1. Oh I like him. I hope the pets do too.

    1. He's great isn't he JayCee? He says he met me once at Birmingham NEC when we saw the Scorpions. He might have a few more guest blog posts before Chrimbo.

  2. I spotted a bunch of these festive creatures in our local "Lidl". They must have been designed by a leading artist - someone like Grayson Perry or Tracey Emin. Unfortunately, I had just spent my last £4 on a copy of "The Big Issue".

  3. Good on you for supporting Big Issue. Perhaps it was a Van Klomp?

  4. I am just watching a Netflix documentary on Beethoven and his influence on rock music. The Scorpions were on amongst many others. I recommend it. I like the reindeer, it would do for me.

  5. I met Thijs Van Leer from Focus in 2019 Rachel. He even shook my hand. I asked him if he practiced Classical music. Meaning Prog Rock. He said he played all the Classical music every day. It's like Keith Emerson all over again.

  6. ..practised even. I'm glad you like the Reindeer.

  7. Reindeer? Yes deer, very wet outside. Ha Ha.
    I don't think I've seen a curly reindeer before now. It's different. I don't shop at that store.

  8. I'm going to that German supermarket on Thursday. Woohoo. Its been months. I wonder what I will find

  9. Very good River. We shop there because it's cheaper than anywhere else.

  10. I wish they sold Dunkel beer Linda. Have a good time shopping.

  11. I, the Tigger, would find that reindeer delightful for tearing apart. He looks like he'd shred even better than cardboard😺

  12. You wouldn't tear up poor Rudolf would you Tigger?


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