Remember when Barley the Gloucester Old Spot had her Bonhams?
We sold the females and decided to fatten the males. Although they would make good breeding Boars.
Pigs develop incredibly fast and you can easily fatten them in four months.
I planted some Sweetcorn in the new polytunnel and it grew like a beanstalk and it was pushing up against the polythene roof. So I got out my loppers and harvested some of the foliage and stalks and fed it to the lads who devoured it.
There's no waste with anything organic. Today I cut the Fuschia hedges and emptied two wheelbarrows of hedge trimmings on next year's new potatoes 🥔 plot. They will mulch the weeds and feed the soil. I never understand why people take their garden waste to be deposited in landfill sites.
Anyone else keep pigs or thinking of getting some? It's good to have a full freezer of meat.