Sunday, 30 July 2023

Daisy, Daisy..

 The Daisies are out in full bloom in my garden at the moment.

If I could only have one choice of perennial to plant in my garden it would be the Shasta Daisy.

Named after the snow covered mountain peaks of the Shasta mountains in California.

I propagate mine by division usually in Spring or September.  I have even grown them from cuttings and you can buy packets of Daisy seeds.

The Monsoon like weather we are having in Ireland and England at the moment makes everywhere verdant and you can see why Ireland is called the Emerald Isle.  Best of all I only need to water the polytunnel at the moment.


  1. I love all kinds of daisies. Yours look very healthy. They must enjoy the Irish Riviera conditions.
    We have recently acquired some sea asters which have lovely purple daisy type flowers. I am hoping they will spread to cover the bare mud patch.

  2. They like the wet Irish weather JayCee. Those purple Asters sound a good addition to any border. I have or had some Michaelmas Daisies which are purple.

  3. The verdant is all very well..I have a squash jungle and not enough flowers!!

  4. It's a strange Summer GZ. June was amazing and hot and now it feels like November.

  5. Replies
    1. This is the only comment I can see of yours YP.

    2. Okay, I will repeat...
      I thought that Ireland was nicknamed The Emerald Isle because of all the emerald mines you have over there!

  6. Thanks for repeating YP. It's all the rain that makes Ireland shine like an Emerald.

  7. We've quite a bit of rain here too lately and some of the storms have been damaging, with hail and high winds.

  8. I have been cutting our hedges today Debby. All the rain is making them grow like crazy. I used the trimmings to decompose and mulch on the site of next years new potatoes.


First Carboot Sale Of The Year.

 Plants and bric a brac for sale. We travelled two and half hours to county Limerick to a carboot sale on Saturday morning. It was trying to...