Thursday 1 August 2024

Another Carboot Sale.

 We got up early on Saturday and drove to county Kerry to another carboot sale that we had seen advertised online:Collect Ireland.

Here in rural Ireland you have to travel miles or even Kilometres to the nearest carboot sale. 

 In England there are often massive sales within a 25 mile radius.  Oh to go back to Chelford and Chirk and The Countess Of Chester carboot sales in my mid thirties.

We took plants and bric a brac with us and I bought 3 wooden ornament camels, some  gardening/work gloves, a Wedgewood blue dish and paid 5 Euros for a raffle ticket for a robot lawnmower thst gets drawn in October.  There won't be much lawn mowing in October.

The pitch cost ten Euros.  It was all in aid of a Church of Ireland church. 

We soon got that back and made about 50 Euros for our efforts.

Like J said: 'We wouldn't make that at home".

We had lots of chats and it was a good social occasion. Anything is a plus after the covid lockdown when we lost our freedom to chat and car boot...

Have you been car booting selling or buying recently? 

My Cape Daisies, Sedum Stonecrop and a picture of a shadow of my legs..


  1. a good day out had by all by the sounds of it. What's the yellow plant - is that the flowers on the stonecrop?

  2. A very enjoyable morning Tigger's Mum and we met some really amiable people and had some great chats like we do on our blogs. Yes it's the flowers on the stone crop Sedum. A nice ground cover plant and very easy to propagate. You can also see this years Cape Daisies which I grew from cuttings. Thanks.

  3. 50 Euros is impressive. Getting paid for a good day out sounds wonderful to me.

  4. It paid for our diesel and shopping JayCee. It was a very enjoyable day had by all.

  5. Days that pay their own way...nowt wrong with that!

    1. Nowt wrong with it and summat to do Debby!

  6. Nice to go somewhere different..and profitable to boot 😎

    1. Definetly GZ. The winter time is very quiet here.

  7. That was a productive morning, but it sounds like you would enjoy it regardless. I haven't been to a car boot sale in years. I'm often tempted, but I'm trying to declutter at the moment, not add to it. And I'm not sure I could trust myself to just browse the plants :)

  8. I love carbooting Jules. Especially buying stuff. You never know what you might find.

  9. How have you survived so long without those three wooden camels? No. I have not been to a carboot sale this year.

  10. I shop on impulse YP. They have settled in nicely with the wooden African elephants.

    1. Let us hope that they do not mate to produce camephants which are hideous creatures. You wouldn't want herds of them surging through the fields of West Cork.

  11. If the lads and lasses in the Agri department give grant's for camephants rare breeds. I would be very interested in getting a few of them.


A Parkside Tools Advert Perhaps?

 If you are a tight wad like me you might purchase your gardening tools from one of the German discount stores middle aisles "Special B...