Friday, 2 August 2024

What Happened To Soup And Sandwiches?

 We noticed this sign in Killarney the other day.

Is it me or have things become very expensive?

It must be very difficult for anyone with a family to dine out these days?  

I remember when we ordered a meal each in the cafe at the local cattle mart and J would ask for two side plates and we would give the two lads some of our dinner and the canteen ladies had no problem about us asking for small plates.

We went in McDonalds because they are such clean and efficient to eat and the bathrooms are very clean.

We noticed they  no longer have their Euro menu and you can't buy a burger for a Euro.  I opted for a plain burger and it seemed to be small and a shadow of which they use to be.

Many moons ago we use to come on holiday to Ireland and we would go in pubs for a "nice cup of tea' for my mum and my dad would have a pint of Murphy's or Guinness.  We would have bottles of Coca Cola with straws.  

There would be a big cauldron of vegetable soup boiling away and the landlady would make ham and cress sandwiches all for a very reasonable price.

Life was so much simpler and less expensive back then.  I understand why people go on foreign sun holidays.  Their money goes further and they are guaranteed sunshine.

I'm going on a Rock n roll and literary trip soon to the  Socialist Republic of Blighty and I will be spending my pennies in a certain pub chain that serves Newcastle Brown Ale and Sharpe's Doombar bitter.  I can't wait.


  1. Things have got a lot more expensive...and prices are still rising.

  2. Yes I agree GZ. I never go for a pint over here anymore it's too expensive. Property prices are getting like UK prices. It must be very difficult for young people these days to eat and dine, rent or purchase a property?

  3. It's very rare I eat out these days. Most places seem to charge high prices for mediocre food. You've just reminded me, I have a bottle of dog in the cupboard. Now where's that bottle opener?

  4. Property prices seem to be out of control now. Rents too are through the roof. We were lucky to have got started back when it was all still achievable. It is so hard for the youngsters, as you say.

  5. Bottle of dog😊. My old work mate Mick from Dewsbury use to say they call it that in Leeds. I never thought Jules the day would come that I wouldn't be able to afford to go out for a few pints. Even taxis are 15 Euros and that is just one way. I like a certain English pub chain beginning with a W. It's a boxer's name that fought Mike Tyson.

  6. I think the only way any one gets on the ladder is when our parents help us JayCee. When we lived in the posh village near Manchester airport ex railway workers terrace cottages were going for 102000 Pounds. Today they are 480000 Pounds in the posh county up north. So many of us are rich on paper and poor in pocket.

  7. It will all come crashing down eventually.

  8. Mcdonald's has become expensive enough here that it can be a great deal cheaper to go to small restaurants.

  9. Yes Debby I have noticed their prices are creeping upwards.

  10. McDonald's 1 euro burger. I remember those not long ago. The advert, I've never eaten one. Here it's souvlaki, stuffed pit. Used to be, 1.80 . Now the cheapest you'll find them is 2.50. Lucky we have the navy canteen otherwise it would be coffee and home

  11. Yes Linda I remember the euro burger. I envy your Navy canteen. Things are getting very expensive over here: food, drink, fuel and building materials and high rents and property prices.

  12. Are "Today's Specials" simply specials because they are so ****ing expensive? Merrie Olde Englande awaits the return of the prodigal son. A warning has already gone out to all females aged sixteen to eighty five.

  13. Probably YP. Oh to be in the land of Newky Brown Ale and pasties!


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