Thursday, 8 February 2018

A Face At The Kitchen Window.

Rachel wrote about ghostly happenings at her house in Norfolk  yesterday.  I thought I would share one experience of a ghostly apparition I had a few years a go.  The photograph is of our kitchen and its windows.

It was late Autumn and just going dark.  I went to the sink and I could see a woman looking through  the window at me. She was dressed like the woman in the Scottish Widow advert, complete with a black hooded gown.  She was an old woman with greyish white hair and had a bony pointy nose.

I shouted to my wife:


She looked out of the window on the left and saw the woman's cloak swoop past.

We had both witnessed a ghost.  

My late mother use to tell me there was no reason to be afraid of ghosts.  She believed that it was ancestors coming back to see if we are OK.

That night we looked at the death certificates we have collected since we have lived here.  My wife  noticed my great grandmothers death anniversary occurred the day before our ghostly apparition.  Could it have been her looking in the window?

Thomas Hardy once saw a ghost in Stinsford grave yard.  It's  good to know that you don't have to be a famous author to see a ghost.  I have seen three ghosts and often smelt tobacco and hear hob nailed boots and creaking farm gates that no longer exist next the farmhouse.

Have you seen a ghost?


  1. I think many people have seen ghosts, ufos, and heard voices and experienced other odd things but they don't say so for fear of being ridiculed. First thing they ask you is have you been drinking, and then shall we call the men in white coats. I've put one of my ghost stories on Rachel's blog. It about the time I met a poltergeist in Dylan Thomas's house.

  2. I think you're right Gwil. For most people, seeing is believing. I read your story on Rachel's blog. I have also read that his wife's mother's ghost haunts the boat house.

    My most recent ghost experience was last year and I saw an orb float passed my head and out of the window of a ruin. Perhaps another blog post some time?


  3. It is interesting, and good, that you both saw the ghost. Often it seems that one person sees it and points it out to another and it is gone or they say they don't know what you are talking about. Your mother was right to say you don't need to be afraid of them. I would like to hear more of the other experience you describe to Gwil. Thanks Dave.

  4. Thanks Rachel. Is it the Nicene Crede where it says:

    I believe in the visible and the invisible, ?

    I will write a post about the orb soon.

    Perhaps you should write a book of ghost stories? I would buy it and enjoy reading it. Thanks!

    1. I think John is the one with the most ghost stories. When he asked me to write one I didn't understand what he meant in fact. Then I realised that something I had experienced was actually enough.

    2. I find ghost stories fascinating. Everybody seems to know somebody that's seen one or knows of an haunted building or place. Here in West Cork there are tales of banshees and headless Coachman ghosts. Thanks!

    3. "I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible..."
      No ghost stories I'm afraid, Dave.

    4. Yes that is the Nicene Creed passage I was thinking about Philip. Thanks!

  5. I have 'rescued' several 'lost souls', one being a World War Two airman, others being an elderly man who refused to allow his spirit to pass because he thought his wife was still alive (she had died a few years earlier), then there was a young woman who was stolen from her family by a coven of witches, and the old woman who didn't want to pass over because she didn't want to meet up with her already passed over and much hated husband, and many more. All of these were thought of as ghosts by the people who asked me to 'sort out' their visitations, but I only ever think of these 'ghosts' as being people who have been unable to pass over for one reason or another. So all I do is connect with them in a quiet and loving way, no fuss, no noise, just a great deal of lovingness, and send them over, asking them to let me know if they are safely arrived. They always do, mostly by waving to me, of even giving me a kiss on the cheek, which the pilot did, bless him.
    So I do not believe in ghosts, but I do believe that people can get stuck here in this earthly dimension. Sometimes, however, those that have passed over will sometimes visit, but these are not ghosts as such. There are a variety of reasons why this happens, too many to list here.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about ghosts and lost souls with us Vera. There is so much we don't know or have forgot in our modern and secular world.

  6. I hate HATE HATE faces at windows ...I've had two experiences ( one as a small child) another as a student nurse that scared the shit out of me

    1. Yes I know what you mean John. I was more shocked than frightened when I saw the ghostly apparition looking into our kitchen window. I wondered, what was an old lady dresses in a Victorian hooded cloak doing looking through our kitchen window? Thanks!

  7. I've seen one ghost, someone bending over my infant son when he was in bed. I thought he was asleep but next day he told me someone had been to see him when he was in bed. At the time my mother lived in Australia while we lived in the UK. I reckoned she popped over to have a look at her grandson.

    1. You could well be right Valerie. There is so much unexplained that happens. When my was in hospital having my brother. She said she saw Jesus stood at the end of her bed. Everybody seems to have an unexplained talent to tell. Thanks!

    2. Unexplained tale not talent. Silly computer.

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