Saturday, 10 February 2018

A Strange Dream,.

I have walked thirty seven miles this week along the roads of the peninsula and this morning I walked to town,  I am eating like an horse and sleeping like a log.  

Talking of sleeping: I had a strange dream the other night.  I walked into the front room (lounge) and there was my my mum and dad sat on the couch.  

They looked a lot younger than I remember them.  I would say they were in their sixties.   My dad was wearing a check jacket and he had his hair cut.  My mum had longer dyed blonde hair and she was wearing her red jumper and a gold necklace.  It wasn't really gold.  But it looked gold and our two lads use to play with it when they were toddlers.  

I asked them what it was like living in Heaven these days?

They said it was OK and my mother said:

"It's not like what you think Heaven is like."

I looked at them with a bemused expression.

My dad said:  

"It's not all singing hymns and supping cups of tea.  It's just like Earth but the sun always shines and nobody worries and everybody is happy.."  He was starting to sound like Alf Garnett when he said God is C of E.

Then I woke up.  It was nice to hear from my late parents.  Even if it was only a dream!


  1. What a lovely dream! And nice that they are still together. At least in Dreamland.

    I've been lazy this week. But, I think a long run is on the cards for tomorrow, as finally a little sunshine is in the forecast.

    I'm not religious but I'm aware that people saying if you are a Christian you risk risk being branded as Right Wing by the Left and Centre Left. The Italian elections next month could be interesting. Berlusconi is rallying his supporters. He could make a comeback. Others are talking of a Minestrone Soup coalition.

    1. I've just had a beer. Maybe I have cenosillicaphobia . . .

    2. Are you an half empty or half full kind of guy? I would say my beer is half empty! I had to look up what cenosillicaphobia means!

    3. I'm a 3/4 full kind of guy. It's the other 1/4 I worry about.

      The Irish pm was here on Thursday. He made a good impression at the State Opera Ball where a woman bared her bosom in protest against the Ukrainian leader who also there.

    4. The Irish Pm seems to be a good listener and he's not arrogant at all.

  2. If only we had the email address for Heaven, Gwil.

    It was a nice dream and it would be wonderful to think we will meet up with our loved ones some day.

    I often thought of starting running. Perhaps you could give some tips or write some posts on your blog for the novice runner?

    I use to be quite religious in my twenties. But now I seem to be more interested in the countryside and growing things... Don't know very much about Italian politics. Do you still want to live there? Thanks!

    1. I would like to live in Venice. There are some amazing council flats built by Mussolini. I think they had 5 banks owned by the state and poured the profits back into such projects. Great pity he got his country involved with Hitler. As somebody once said: he shouldn't have tied his chariot to the back of Hitlers dung cart.

    2. Never been to Italy. It's on my to visit list.

  3. I like that dream Dave. I have had some interesting dreams this week but then when I wake up I can't remember the details although I can remember they were good! Do you know what I mean?

  4. Thanks Rachel. I do know what you mean about our dreams being good. That one about my late mum and dad made me feel content that they are in a better place than us here on Earth. Thanks!

  5. Dave, the best advice I can give you about starting running is to join a local running club, and preferably a club that runs off-road or trains off road on woodland trails, field paths, disused railway lines, golf courses and so on. Begin with the slowest group, generally very sociable, and take it from there. Basic running shoes with a bit of grip. Nothing too fancy, until you know what you want. You'll see what the other runners favourite shoes are. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Avoid the temptation to overcook things in first weeks and months. You should have a good fitness base from all your walking.

    Here's a running joke. I apologize if I've told it before.
    Kennedy and Kruschev met in Moscow and decided to have race. The next day on the state radio the result of the race. was announced: Mr Kruschev was 2nd and Mr Kennedy was next to last.

    1. Thanks Gwil for the running advice.

      Your joke sounds like the spin politicians use today.

    2. Hi Dave, Gwil mentioned you were thinking about starting running so I’ve popped over. In addition to his very good advice above, there’s also couch to 5k running programs which have been specifically designed to help people go from non runner to 5k runner (3 miles) over ten weeks. You can download them online or join a local group who offers then. All the walking you’ve been doing will be a great platform to start running from. Good luck but be warned: it’s addictive 😊. CT.

    3. Hi CAT.

      Thanks for the running advice. The walking is very addictive and I am going to try a few minutes jogging when I go walking and build it up from there. Hope you're well CT.

    4. My phone word suggest changed CT to cat. Silly phone.

  6. That's a great walk Dave! Are you near Fahane !!?

  7. Hi Sean. My walk started at Vaughan's then Booltenagh, Coomkeen and winded it's way down through Fahane. Thanks!

    1. Hi Dave, trying to work out whereabouts you are!
      Are you near Vera, did you know Bob Johnson, John Tobin at the top ?
      All the best, Sean

    2. Hi Sean. I don't live in that townland but yes I know of the people you mention. If you want to email me:

  8. I've never dreamed of my dad, who I loved, but did have a couple of nightmares of my mother. Need I say more?!

  9. Thanks Valerie. I've had several dreams and my parents have been in them. The last dream involving them. Gave me a wonderful feeling that they are in a better place. I hate nightmares. Thanks!

  10. Thank for your very good article! i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!



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