Monday, 17 June 2019

New Potatoes.

Here are our new potatoes freshly dug and washed from the veg plot.  I spread homemade compost in the spring and planted them in the ground.  The only home made fertilizer they have had is my nettle garden tea.  In other years I have give the plots lots of cow manure.  

This summer is very mixed weather wise and the gardens and veg plot have loved the showers and sunshine.  It's also been good not having to water it all the time.  

We bought some Organic carrots from Lidl for 99 Cents.  They cost the same as the ordinary carrots.  Eh?  Yep that's right.  You can but Organic carrots that haven't been grown with granulated fertilizer or sprayed with chemicals either.  Do you see why I don't bother growing all my vegetables anymore?  Of course they aren't as fresh as homegrown ones.  But when they are cheap as chips?

I have been maintaining a garden for an elderly lady since this Spring.  It's a mature herbaceous perennial (my favourite!) type of garden with lawns, mature shrubs and perennials in the borders.  It's very labour intensive and the soil in the borders are wonderful.  You could dig to Australia.  I have told you a million times Dave, don't exaggerate!

They are so full of wonderful homemade compost. Years and years of adding homemade compost, leaf mould and emptying the bought compost out of the flower pots have made it wonderful to work.  There is a Robin that perches on my garden fork and he or she looks at me weeding like an old head gardener and I am sure it will say:

"Put your back into it.  Have you got any worms?"

There is even a big compost heap.  Full to the brim with home made compost.  Just like my veg plot has!  The potatoes are delicious this year.  Especially washed down with a glass of Portal Do Minho.  It's a white wine from Portugal.  They sell it in Lidl.  We love it!


  1. Wonderful new potatoes! What taste, served with real butter. yum

    1. Yes LA. Wonderful new potatoes. We even warmed up the one we never used yesterday. They're just the right size and you don't feel bloated like you can with the big potatoes. Thanks.

  2. When I saw colander I thought you'd joined the Pastafarians but then panic over I noticed your heuriger kartoffel as they are called here. I've just had some Hungarian spuds with a fillet of Bach forelle. It doesn't play music! It's a trout from a stream! I'm waiting for my battery to charge up so I can some strimming. It's been too hot to do much and now it's a wilderness.

  3. Hi Gwil. The Pastafarians are a good laugh aren't they? The colander is used to drain the water from the spuds. Its often said in Ireland when someone is going to the jacks (toilet), "I'll just drain the spuds!"

    Battery strimmer? Any good? I have a petrol strimmer. I cut a big laurel hedge and a area of grass with hedge clippers the other day. No noise, no petrol fumes and luckily no blisters. There is life in the old dog yet. Or am I just daft? Thanks Gwil.

    1. The strimmer is really a hedge cutter but I sometimes use it on the grass when it is waist high or more. Now I've borrowed a scythe from the bloke next door. We're making progress.
      4 year old:Is that a lawn mower?
      Me: Yes.
      4 -y-o: Where's the motor?
      Me: I'm the motor. And I'm going to the supermarket for 2 cans of motor oil.

    2. That's brilliant Gwil. I was strimming this afternoon and dreaming of a cold beer.

  4. Many of my brother's gardening customers are elderly people. They like him to go for tea and a chat more than anything.

  5. Totally agree Rachel. Its a reciprocal thing with me. Older people are very knowledgeable and it takes me out of my shell too. Thanks Rachel.

  6. We put early potatoes in, but I don't like to pull them up yet! I did notice that the tops are starting to look a bit yellowy, but they have not flowered, so will let them carry on doing what they are doing for a while yet.
    Would love to help someone out who has a mature garden. Our garden is still in its infancy, but at least I have made a start.

  7. Hi Vera. I think potatoes usually take about twelve weeks from planting to harvesting. We usually start lifting our new potatoes when they start flowering. I give them lots of water when they start flowering because the tubers/new potatoes are forming. Yes you can't buy or make a mature garden. Look forward to seeing some pictures of your garden Vera. Thanks.

  8. I adore new potatoes and remember the days when I grew them. Wish I could still do it.

  9. Hi Valerie. You could always order some seed potatoes and plant them in a plant pot in September and you will have new potatoes on Christmas day. Obviously you'll have to grow them in a frost free place like a conservatory or polytunnel. I think I will save some of ours and do just that. Thanks.

  10. Hi Dave, I've replied above to your Qs.

  11. I've just answered your question Gwil. Thanks!

  12. Yeah. What varieties of new potatoes do you grow?

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