Wednesday, 10 November 2021

A Walk Along The Road In The Countryside By The Sea.

I managed to go on a four mile saunter on Sunday morning.  The road was incredibly devoid of cars and lorries and I felt safe walking along the road for a change.  

I've  been reading nay devouring four Laurie Lee books recently.  Oh to go back to Cider With Rosie and no motor cars or lorries and just horses and carts.  Any road here's some pics for your perusal:

Looking across the bay and over to the Beara Peninsula and Hungry Hill.  

Looking over the bay at a promontory headland and Bantry Bay.   Immortalised in song and poems.  God was a brilliant artist the day he painted these scenes.


  1. Looks like it was a gorgeous day for your saunter. Beautiful autumn light.

  2. It's been remarkably mild the last couple of months JayCee. It was great to appreciate the simple special things like a walk along a road without fear of being knocked down.

  3. These photos are certainly worth enlarging by simply clicking on them. Peacefulness flows out of them. Nice little post Lord Northsider.

  4. Thanks YP. I sometimes think I live in a oil painting.

    1. You mean like a woodworm burrowing in the old gilded frame?

    2. More like being in a landscape painting YP.

  5. *sigh* I could stare at that view all day long. Just gorgeous! I spent some time googling Laurie Lee. I just bought one of his books. Thanks.

  6. Yes it's a lovely view on a nice day Debby. I am reading Village Christmas by Laurie Lee at the moment. It's a book of his essays and his Cotswold childhood Christmas is magical. Enjoy reading the book,

  7. Replies
    1. It's wet and wild today Rachel. But the population is very small and Ireland is very beautiful. Thanks.

  8. I bought his autobiography (in one volume format). It will be a while before I have it in my hands, since it is coming from the UK, and I chose low carbon delivery. I've got another book going at the moment. It's always exciting to find a new author. Thanks again.

    1. I've got into buying books on Kindle Debby. They are instantly down loaded and you don't have piles of paper books in your house like we have. Hope you enjoy your new book.

  9. He was fine painter indeed. Fond memories of the Beara peninsula - maybe one day I will return.

  10. Thanks Mark. At The Edge Of Ireland is a good read about Beara by David Yeadon.

  11. Wonderful place for a walk, especially without the traffic . Love Laurie Lee's books

  12. Thanks Linda. I have fond memories of walking here with my late parents when I was a child. Laurie Lee's books are brilliant, especially Cider With Rosie. It must have been great to live where there were few cars.

  13. I think life was hard for Laurie Lee's mother though. No mod cons like hoovers to help her with the housework!!!
    I agree with you about God's painting of the scenery. Without the possibility of God, how come some places are so beautiful?

  14. Yep. Imagine no cars or electricity? Just a Ewbank or an house brush. I agree the ice age was amazing, but I refuse to believe God didn't have a part to play in the creation process. What have you got if you don't believe in a God?


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