Monday, 29 November 2021

Another Interesting Cushion!

Yes I found another very interesting cushion on Saturday.  We drove sixty miles or so to Cork and visited The Range.  It's an English home furnishing store that is now appearing in parts of Ireland. 

We noticed this fifteen Euros cushion with the Donkeys and Robin Christmas scene.  Are they looking at the manger in Bethlehem or are they looking at you and me?

Any one else seen any fab cushions lately?


  1. Now there's a different Xmas scene!
    Those two rascals are real characters .
    Smart asses?

  2. Good one Linda!😊 What's a Blackpool donkey get for its dinner? Half an hour.

    "I'm here all week."

  3. Did you buy it?
    They look like zebras without their pyjamas.

    1. No I was being a tight wad on Saturday JayCee. Plus we think you need more than one cushion maybe three or more. Zebras Without Pyjamas would be a great name for a Prog Rock band.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm sure you will find some good ones on the internet Debby. Glad you like the donkeys and the Robin cushion.

  6. The Range in Sheffield sells just about everything you could imagine - including food. You could live there for months and never have to leave. I like your new cushion - very stylish.

  7. Yes YP The Range is excellent. We've been in the one in Cork and the one in Tralee. You could go in there for a warm and spend ours browsing. Glad you like the cushion. It's great.

  8. I've not been to the Range in years - I'm not even sure there is one in West Wales? We have several cushions made from traditional welsh cloth mills; there is still a working mill in our next village. But I rather like the Christmas donkeys. Cheerful chaps.

    1. Cheerful chaps is a great description Mark. I only discovered The Range here in Ireland this year. It's brilliant.

  9. Those cushions don't seem to be a 'thing' here, which is a pity. You have some comical ones.

  10. You should start making them and selling them Debby. There's definitely a market out there for interesting cushions.


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