Sunday, 7 November 2021

Spring Cabbage And Japanese Onions.

I have done a post on my vegetables for a while.  I seem to have had such little time for vegetable growing with me working full time on the island and the wet weather tyesterday doesn't help either.

I did how ever manage to plant my Japanese onions sets outside in the old plastic baths filled with soil and my homemade compost.  They are a very hardy onion and don't mind the Irish climate.  

The Roman's apparently never set foot here but they named Eire "Hibernia , meaning " land of eternal winters".   They must have been on a stag do to Dublin when they gave Ireland that name?

The Japanese onions are a bit weedy but they are loving growing in the old baths filled with soil and topped up with homemade compost.  They will be ready to harvest next June.  We often pick them before they are fully grown.

Here's some seed sown Spring cabbages growing in polystyrene welder packaging.  They are loving the polytunnel microclimate.  

I wish I was only working three days a week and I could spend more time in the veg plot and polytunnel and go walking a few times a week.  

I only water twice a week now in the polytunnel.  It's full of plants and they have managed quite well with out me.   


  1. How long is your Alcatraz sentence? I guess that it is not forever. You meed to keep bringing those sacks of dosh home while you can so that you can keep shopping at the German beer emporium and garden centre and perhaps there'll be money left over to buy Mrs Northsider a nice new ironing board for Christmas.

  2. It's week to week until the work dries up YP. We've done all our Christmas presents shopping. My wife gave up ironing many moons ago. She just folds clothes fresh out of the tumble dryer. I won't be buying her an Hoover or an air dryer. Ungodly domestic appliances.😊

  3. Im glad the polytunnel is still thriving Dave. I am sure the work has been useful and you get to see people too. I miss my work.

  4. Thanks Rachel. The plants carry on growing regardless. The best part of work is the social aspect. Blogging is similar talking to people.

  5. I'm finding I don't need to attend to the greenhouse very much as all at the moment.

    1. I like to potter about in my polytunnel Tasker even in the depths of winter. It's good for over wintering tender and newly rooted plants.

  6. Your spring cabbages are doing well. Good, healthy stuff.
    Just wish that spring itself was a little closer. I am not a fan of winter.

    1. No JayCee I am not a fan of winter. At least the polytunnel is a gardeners sanctuary and a lot better weather than in the garden.

  7. My lettuces, rocket and spring onions are growing fast. We will be having salads from the garden soon. And the leeks are thriving. The winter garden is doing well

    1. Hi LA. I noticed the winter gardens when we visited the Algarve in the winter and they had our summer vegetables like potatoes and cabbage growing.

  8. What is a Japanese onion? New to me.
    I started working three days a week and filled my time with... guess what... more work. Now I work for myself and that helps but there is never enough time in the week, never mind the day

  9. A Japanese onion is a winter onion that originates from Japan.

    I am a great believer in job sharing and 3 day weeks. Allotments need tending, walking and writing are things one misses when working full time.

  10. I know the feeling. My sister has the opportunity to work 4 ten hour days, compared to a five day stretch of 8 hours. 3 days off a week, makes all the difference. I too am working a job until it dries up. It's been extended until mid January at this point, but I tell you true, you simply don't have enough time to get everything done!

    Your Christmas shopping is done? Impressive. I thought that I was doing well.

  11. Hi Debby. I think there would be little unemployment if we all worked 3 or 4 days a week. Somebody once said to me that you don't move to the countryside and work full time. You need time to do all your other things like the garden and walking...?

    We always start Christmas shopping from September onwards and buy things every week. Thanks.


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