Saturday, 22 January 2022

Childish Things.

 "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11.

I once knew a man who use to keep his now grown up children's bikes and prams from childhood underneath a hedge in his garden.  He hadn't got the heart to get rid of them and he realised how soon they grow up and fly the nest.

We have been carrying out some house improvements like a new secondhand kitchen, laminated flooring and we replaced the Stanley Range for a new second hand Rayburn oil range...  So it's been Bedlam right through Christmas and we might be back to normal for next Christmas?😊

The plus side being we have found some treasure like Noddy and Big Ears in the Noddy car.  It's at least twenty five years old probably older than Number  1 son, we bought it for him back when he was born or very little any way?

The wife gave them a bath in the sink and dried it and it's on display on the shelf next to the cookery books.  There are no Peter Pans  in our household, the boy who never grew up.  But there are some things we won't get rid of.

Are you sentimental like us about childhood toys?


  1. Yes I am sentimental and I remember toys we got rid of such as my son's "Ghostbusters" fire station. We should have kept it! All of my daughter's "beanie babies" are up in the attic and I still have the panda that was in my own cot before I could walk.

  2. It's good to be sentimental and keep things YP. I have my old terriers collar resting round a branch in the garden. It's good to hold on.

  3. There are many things from my childhood that I now wish I had kept. Alas, I got rid of everything a long time ago. Too late now.

  4. Very true JayCee. I wish I had held on to some of those Rock concerts tickets like Thin Lizzy, Rush, Kansas, Marillion..? At least I have blurred memories of the concerts. Thanks.

  5. But have you played with it? I was laughed at at Christmas for leaving the the rubber duck that has flashing lights in the bath.

  6. Not for a while Tasker. I would love a rubber duck with flashing lights. I once had a rubber shark called Jaws that resided in our bath tub.

  7. What a lovely Noddy and BigEars. I used to keep things like that but have slowly thrown them away. I do have a few soft toys and piles of their art work. That doesn't take up so much space 😁

  8. Thanks Linda. It's nice to hold on to things that once meant so much to our children.

  9. My mother had kept all of our toys but we didn't keep them any more. I suppose there comes a point when those who want to keep things and those who don't know when the time has come not to keep them. That may sound a bit double Dutch but we all make decisions about keeping things or not at different points of our lives.

    1. It sounds very well thought out Rachel. I am something of a Womble and sentimental over certain family belonging. Thanks.

  10. F has a childhood bear I would gladly destroy. She also has me with a real soul and beating heart...... When I go over the rainbow bridge there won't be a collar to keep my place beside the fire in the lounge.

  11. The rainbow bridge is a wonderful description Tigger. Thanks!

  12. I still have my small teddy. His name is Edward, and I remember getting very upset when my siblings refused to use his proper name!

  13. Edward is a great name for a Teddy the Veg Artist. It's wonderful that you still have him.

  14. Yes. I am sentimental. My mistake is believing that my children will be sentimental about these things as well. They won't. But I save them anyway, because they are dear to me.

  15. I know exactly what you mean Debby. Thanks.


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 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...