Remember in December 2023 when Heidi our German Shepherdess bitch had ten beautiful 🐶 puppies 🐶?
Well we bred her again when she last came into heat. Last Friday dear old Heidi Pied gave birth to just 3 fat puppies:
Proud Heidi with her 3 new Canine babies.I call them her: "Three Musketeers".
We were a bit disappointed when she only had the 3 pups. But then we realised mother and babies are in perfectly health and we are going to have 3 bundles of fun to play with for 11 weeks.
J bought Heidi a full sized chicken and roasted it in the oven for her. Heidi wolfed it down and washed it down with her dish full of milk pop!
Heidi needs her strength to feed her 3 fat puppies.
Well done to beautiful Heide.