Wednesday 27 December 2017

Thank Goodness For Netflix And Camel.

That's the view of Hungry Hill this morning from our kitchen door.  The water is Bantry Bay which is actually part of the Atlantic Ocean.  The Hill is called Hungry Hill.  Daphne Du Maurier wrote a book about it and there was also a film made.  Its the highest peak in the Caha mountain range.   Yes I know I have mentioned it before. 

So how was your Christmas?  Ours was exceptionally quiet and we ended up watching Carry on films (just for a change, The Vicar of Dibley (all those Christmas dinners) and number two son did set up his Xbox and we watched three Netflix films:  Bridesmaids, What Happens in Vegas and good old Pee Wee's(my choice) Big Adventure.  

Of course the rain gods descended on Ireland and now Jack Frost is scattering his talc on the distant mountains.  I have been chopping firewood this morning and giving my plants in the poly-tunnel a cold hosepipe shower.  

What else?  We watched United struggle to break down a marvellous Burnley team and it seemed like everybody realizes City are the new Barcelona and they already have one hand on the Premiership title.  

Did I tell you I am going to see English Prog Rock band Camel in the Summer?  Have you ever seen them?  Yesterday they sent me one of their videos via their You Tube channel, that I subscribe too.  Enjoy and I look forward to seeing them in Eastern Europe next June.  Have you any holiday plans yet?  Where you going?  Enjoy again.


  1. I just listened to some Camel; they have a very unique sound. Will you be seeing them in Warsaw? I have never seen them. Your Christmas sounds very full of films! Holidays, not really thought about them yet, but may go with the sketching friends to Lisbon, as you know. I am off to London next week for three days, the visit postponed because of the snow in December.

  2. Hi Rachel. Are you playing your air guitar? I am. My favourite album is The Snow Goose. Yes I will be seeing them in Poland.

    I would love to visit Lisbon some time. We are thinking of going to somewhere in the sun this winter but all the holidays seem very expensive at the moment. Could do with some sun. We watched Salvage Hunters last night and they went to Great Yarmouth Circus Hippodrome. Do you know the bulding and the famous pop star owner? Thanks.

    1. Yes, the Hippodrome is very well known here! And the owners are a well known entertainment family. This is of course the place my brother and his grandchildren went on Christmas Eve!

  3. Yes Salvage Hunters featured the owner Peter Jay (Sixties British pop star) and they showed a video of sychronized swimming at the circus. Drew bought some big letters from outside the building. We watch Salvage Hunters on Quest every night. Think we have watched most of them all at least twice. I use to like watching Billy Smarts Circus from Blackpool tower on Christmas Day on the television. Thanks!

  4. Dave, I thought for one awful minute you'd started smoking. I had a week in Palma Majorca at the end of January a couple of years ago and it was about 20 C nearly every day. The Sky cycling team were training there. About 20 of them zoomed past. The almond blossom was on the trees.

    1. I forgot what I wanted to say which is what a lovely view you have. It reminds me of the unforgettable view from the breakfast table of a B&B in Lochranza. Oh, how time doth fly. It was donkeys' ages ago.

    2. The landscape is very much like Scotland but without the malt whiskies. My grandmother use to say: "the view won't feed You". So true.

  5. It took me a while Gwil. You mean Camel cigarettes, don't, you? Majorca sounds good. Is it expensive and is there plenty to do? thanks!

    1. The car rental was unbelievably cheap. The hotel was good value. Certainly not expensive. We didn't book anything. We just flew there with a cheap airline and went to the car hire counter at the airport and took it from there.

    2. I think it's winter when we should take sun holidays and get away from the cold and rain. Thanks for the holiday tip gwil.

  6. We had rain, too, but it quickly turned to ice and then snow. The snow was odd... my road had it and the next road didn't! That's not what I call sharing it out!!! And then the TV and computers were affected, which sent me into a panic. Oh well, I guess I can't have it my way all the time. Just in case I go off air again, I wish you a Happy New Year.

  7. We get gale season every year in Ireland Valerie. I know what its like to go a day or two without electricity, the pump to drive the well and the good old Internet...? Happy New Year!

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