Thursday, 29 March 2018

A Bit Of Irish Folk Music On A Thursday.

Many moons a go we rented a bungalow in Glengarriff and one night we decided to go to the pub, for a change!  We noticed some familiar looking men in the car-park: it was The Furey's.  They nodded and said "Hi" to my mother, father, my wife and me.  

They were appearing at the Eccles Hotel and they came for a pint or two of the "black stuff".   About twenty minutes later.  They stood up and gave the pub customers a free rendition of a couple of their songs:

I digress:  I have just found a new folk singer called Kate Theasby.  Finbar Furey wrote this beautiful song  and I can't stop playing it.  I am seeing Kate Theasby in Doolin live in June.  The song made me think of my late mother and father.  Its a long time since a song moved me so much.  I hope you enjoy the song. 


  1. What a beautiful song, and sung so wonderfully well. I do a bit of singing. It is nothing like this lady's voice though!

    1. It is a beautiful song Vera. It was nice listening to your voice on your blog today. It would be good to see and hear your group singing on a video.

  2. Nothing like a bit of Irish folk music to lift you up. This is beautiful!

    1. It does lift you LA. Do you have any Irish pubs that play folk and trad near you? We once went in Oirish pub in Calais and nobody spoke English, except us

    2. There used to be an irish pub on Poros. Closed down by the economic crisis. There are a few in Athens. Very popular apparently. One day I may even manage to go and have a pint in one

    3. In the Oirish kind of Irish pub in Calais. They even made the froth on your Guinness into a shamrock design. But nobody spoke a word of English. The Athens Irish pubs sound like they are worth checking out. Been in a few in the Algarve. Some Portuguese and some Irish owned.

  3. Dave, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this song, so much so that I got up and danced around the room on my own (mrs was in the studio) For it has the slow and easy rhythm that speaks to my feet :)
    So where in Doolin is she appearing - is it Gus O'Connors by any chance ?

  4. I am glad you enjoyed the music Heron. Kate Theasby is playing Doolin Folk Festival. Which is at Doolin Hotel. It's a weekend and costs 99 Euro's. I will feature some other acts appearing there soon. Thanks!

  5. Beautiful! I loved this so much emotional tears wanted to fall. Off to play it again - thanks for posting it, Dave.

  6. It is beautiful isn't it Valerie? The waltzing couple in the video made me think of my dear departed parents..? I would like to think they are still teasing each other. Thanks!

  7. a beautiful song, thank you for sharing

  8. Thanks Tricky Wolf. I am glad you enjoyed it!

  9. The lady has a lovely voice. I'm sure you'll enjoy the concert.

    About 4 years ago I watched a rugby match on a TV in an Irish pub in Austria. The person I was with was holiday. Now again on holiday he just walked into an Irish pub in France because where he is it's raining, as it does, and it turns out the barman who worked at the Austrian pub when we were there - maybe even the same barman.

    1. Gosh what a small world Gwil. I am looking forward to seeing her. My music taste is very eclectic. Rock, brass bands and folk. Thanks!

  10. I’ll echo Gwil. She has a great voice. I enjoyed that very much.

    1. I am pleased you enjoyed it Philip. I will post some folk appearing at Doolin Folk festival next week. Thanks!

  11. She is Yorkshire Pudding's niece. When I was in Istanbul in 2010 I watched the World Cup every day in an Irish Bar. I met some lovely people. Many great memories of that summer.

  12. You mean the Yorkshire Pudding the blogger who often comments on John's blog? Well I will go to the foot of our stairs. Irish bars are always very laid back places. You must tell us more or that Istanbul trip Rachel.

    1. Yes, that is so. The Istanbul trip was good and the Irish Bar at the end of the street where I was staying was an added bonus. Football supporters from all countries assembled there and all very friendly.

    2. Thanks Rachel for the heads up. Irish pubs are friendly in Ireland or anywhere.

  13. Thank you for sharing valuable information nice post,I enjoyed reading this post.



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