Thursday 1 March 2018

Giving The Frozen Water Pipes The Hairdryer Treatment.

I woke up this morning.  Attempted to fill the kettle (citeal) with Adam's Ale or Corporation Pop and nothing happened.   Old Jack Frost had been painting his frost on the water pipe from the well to the houses.

So we couldn't brew up or light the range because the pump would start banging and we couldn't or shouldn't flush the toilet.  Oh the joys of rural dwelling.

The wife being a chappess duly opened some bottles of Lidl water and made us a cafeteir of ground coffee.  Why didn't I think of that?

Then she went outside with an extension cable and her Hairdryer and duly gave it the Sir Alex hairdryer halftime talk to the water pipes.

About at least that much of time and a bit more.  I turned on the cold water tap/faucet thingymajig and out spurts some rusty h20.  It was like that Iron Bru advert:. Made from iron girders!  Then the water ran clear and we lit the stove!

Aren't women clever?


  1. Glad your wife managed to save the day, and hope you made a good fuss of her when she got back inside, which I am sure you did!

    1. She did good Vera. Perhaps I can get her to catch spiders in the bath, bats in the house and five dead rats Christian funerals? I am joking. She did us proud. Thanks!

  2. It's the same here. I always save the day! Glad your wife got the water going and life started again.

    1. I could well imagine that you always save the day Rachel. Thanks!

  3. The woman's a genius. We men would be faffing about trying all sorts of nonsense.

    My painter borrowed the hairdryer today. Not to dry his hair but to dry a wet patch on the wall.

    1. I Googled what to do Gwil. But I hadn't got the patience to faff about with the hairdryer! Especially outside with one. Thanks!

    2. we have used the heat gun we found in the house. I think it is for stripping varnish and has a low setting for something. we tried that

    3. Good idea Sol. It also helps if you leave the kitchen sink dripping overnight.

  4. we have the same problem here. bore hole. Solar panel isnt working the pump so the pipes have frozen!!!!!

  5. Drat. We have no water when we get powercuts after gales. Can you not get a generator? My neighbour uses theirs to run a light and plug in their freezer. Thanks!

    1. We are going to change how the bore hole works. I can stand the banging of the ancient pump. We are looking at another design and then we will be ok. I dont really want a generator at the moment.

    2. Hope the design works Sol. There is a lot to be said being on mains water.

    3. we have inquired about this, and it would seem it will be £7k.

    4. Ouch! It cost us over four thousand Euro's to get a new well sank. This was using the existing pump....

  6. Goodness, I wish your wife could have helped me de-freeze the washing machine pipes. It's okay now but was frozen all morning. The machine is in an outhouse.. I have asked a plumber to swap it with the kitchen dishwasher that I never use. Heehee, another job!!!

  7. Have you lagged the pipes with towels or foam lagging Valerie? It's not expensive to buy. There is always another job, isn't there?

  8. Can't get at the pipes, Dave. Maybe when the guy comes to move it he will advise. In almost 30 years, I never had a problem.

  9. Yes your plumber will know what to do. Good luck!

  10. I’m back and forth with buckets twice a day at the moment Dave and breaking up ice in the troughs in a bitter wind. The chances of my wife helping with this particular task are zilch. And I don’t blame her.

  11. I don't envy you Philip. We have no livestock this winter. It's no fun seeing to livestock in a bitter wind.


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