Saturday, 17 March 2018

A Rusty Old Bike Frame On The Sheeps Head Way?

I went for a walk again yesterday.  Its been two or three weeks since I damaged my heel.    I noticed a rusty old bike frame in the middle of a bog.  Perhaps it once belonged to Sir Walter Raleigh?  Well he did once live in Youghal.  That's it: he discovered potatoes and I discovered (found) his bike frame!

The rusty old bike frame in the bog.  I risked limb and life to take this photograph.

The ever changing scenery and flora on the Sheeps Head Peninsula.  Walking in the footsteps of my ancestors and many, many sheep.

Seeing that its Saint Patrick's Day.  Here's a song by Gary Moore.  He was once a member of Thin Lizzy, my favourite Irish band.  I once saw Thin Lizzy in Manchester in 1981 and the late and great Gary Moore at the Garden Party in Milton Keynes in June 1986.  When nineteen of us piled into the back of a Ford Luton van and spent a weekend watching great rock bands and drinking lots of dirty beer.  Its all in my yet to be published book!  Might have some Guinness and Irish coffees tonight!


  1. Just cos it says Raleigh on the frame don't mean it's Sir Walter's bike Dave.
    It's more likely to have belonged Sidney Reilly the Russian born spy. . . who spied for 4 different countries.

  2. Glad you worked out my tginkthi Gwil. He did live in Youghal. Which is about half a days bike ride from here.

    Sidney Reilly inspired Ian Fleming to create James Bond and no doubt, Russ Abbott's, Brooke Bond. I am still in your tea theme. Thanks!

  3. hello from Idaho and found your blog though Heron's view. Sort of reminds me of our local reserve. Never seen a bike but I've seen and ole car.
    If you fine the time stop in for a cup of coffee

  4. Hello peppylady. My walk was on hill and bog on a peninsula and the only creatures I met were sheep. I have walked that way many times, but I don't think I ever noticed that bicycle before. So I thought I'd better take a picture. Thanks for popping over!

  5. Wonder how the bike got to that spot but my mind is trying to work out the possibilities.

    1. I thought very similar thoughts Valerie. I think some wit probably placed it there. Thanks!

  6. Good photos Dave. Old bike frames seem to turn up everywhere.

    1. Thanks Rachel. Do you think the Tate Modern will buy the bike or my photograph? It was amazing to see it and I had to get a photo for the blog. Wish I could draw or paint, the scenery is incredible here.

  7. Really a beautiful blog.It is very astonishing and marvelous design.



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