Friday, 28 December 2018

All Kinds Of Everything...?

"Bye Gum!"

It's still 2018 and the Daffodils in the plant pots are nearly ready to flower.  I know its the mildest December I can ever remember and we do live on the Gulf Stream don't we?  "Bye gum!"  yet again.

"Bye Gum!"  Our young lass did do some knitting and only did knitteth (is that a word?) me a jumper for a Christmas present.  I am well chuffed and the wool only cost SIX EUROS!  

"Bye gum!"

Yes I have found the free movie channel: Talking Pictures.  Yesterday we watched the classic: Hobson's Choice.  That's why I keep saying: "Bye gum".  

Guess who noticed the concrete water cooling towers in the wedding scene outside the church?   They didn't have them in Victorian Salford, did they?

Remember this:


  1. Where did your beloved lasspass all that wool for only 6 euros???
    Even we haven't seen any daffodils yet. Bye gum, I am astounded once again

  2. Bye bloody gum, why does everything I write get converted to gibberish?

  3. Bye gum! No daffodils in yon Greek islands? Is yon roads cobbled and lasses wear clogs and shawls?

    The good lady wife went in yon Aldi in Kenmare and bought 8oo grammes for 6 Euros. Think on now!

    Thanks LA.

  4. Blooming heck dave daffs out already but it has been almost too mild here also, not very Christmas like at all!
    Any old properties coming up for sale round your neck of the woods yet ?
    Just chatting with the wife and was wondering, how old were you when you moved over and how many years since then.......? Hope you don't mind me asking...Sean.

  5. Good one - Bloomin heck, Sean.

    There are houses often up for sale on the peninsula. But no doer uppers that are cheap. They seem to be selling pretty quick too.

    We have been here nearly eighteen years and I am now 55. Hope you have a great 2019. Thanks!

  6. 'ave yersel a reet grand new yeer an' also knot forgknittin' the missus a reet grand lass if ever there were!

    1. Ta very much Gwil. Yon missus is all there with the cough drops.

      We watched: A French Mistress this evening. Agnes Laurent was like Bridgit Bardot. Have you seen it? Thanks.

    2. No, I haven't seen it.

      I don't watch many films on TV, but I enjoy going to the 'flicks' now and then.

    3. Agnes Laurent was amazing in it. I haven't been to flicks in donkey years.

  7. Thanks Dave & hope you all have a great new year!

  8. Bye Gum that was a post and a half bye gum Dave.

  9. Bye Gum Rachel. I am glad you enjoyed the post. Ta very much!

  10. Daffodils are budding nicely here; can't wait for Spring to spring upon us. Love the colour of your jumper. Congrats to your clever jumper maker for the choice of colour.

  11. The seasons have gone mad Valerie. The Arum lily's are six inches high and plants are budding.

    Blessed are the jumper makers!

    It only took two weeks to knit. I am mighty impressed. Thanks!

  12. I thought it was "ee bye gum" ?

  13. That was The Goodies take on it Sol. Do you remember them? Hope you have a great 2019/ Hogmanay too!

  14. Suffering from herpes is a Terrible Experience which i suffered till i meet a herbal doctor called Dr. KHAM. I tried all possible mean to get cured but i never received cure from any of the 7 hospital i visited.Just Match,14,2018 i saw a recent post of how Dr. Kham herbal medicine cured people and that he is a honest man to work with in the procedures on finding a cure, then i contacted him in trial and he sent me a herbal medicine with the full prescription oh how to drink for two weeks and i exactly followed the guidelines that was given to me by DR. KHAM to cute the long story short the herbal medicine flushed out my whole system and make the herpes virus inactive all thanks to Dr. Kham who God is using to cure people of this terrible virus (herpes simplex virus) for anyone here that has herpes or other kinds of disease and Virus should mail all his or her complain to DR. KHAM on his email which is ( or whats app him on +2348159922297 


More Irish Stuff.

 On the last day of our February holiday in the Algarve we walked around Faro town. It began to rain and we saw an Irish bar.  Like an oasis...