Thursday, 13 December 2018

Even Domino The Smallholding Cat Is Interested In Brexit!

Domino is very worried about Brexit and Mrs May looking after all the fat cats and not doing a thing about farm cats.

He watched for a while and got bored and rather depressed with it all.  He wants free movement for all cats and rodents and dogs can have one way tickets away from cats.  

He eventually decided he had heard enough and decided to make himself an hibernation home in a Walkers crisp box.   
Domino hibernating until March the 29th.  Funnily enough that was my mum and dad's wedding anniversary (how did the Brexit negotiators know?) and traditionally the day of the Grand National.  Horses for courses, I suppose?  I think Mrs May needs to get out her whips ("get it?") and turn into Velvet Brown and win her own National Velvet  or Brexit?

Domino reminded me of our two lads on Christmas Day when they were young.  They would remove the expensive piece of plastic (toy) and sit in the box and play for hours.  Why didn't we just get them Christmas cardboard boxes for Christmas?

Here's a song for Domino.  


  1. I forgot to say Domino watches Sky News.

  2. On my TV screen recently I saw a uniformed policeman open the famous black door of number ten to let a black cat enter. Domino could send an email to the Downing Street cat and register his complaint before hibernating.

  3. Hi Gwil. I once watched a television programme telling the viewers the number ten door is now made of metal and bombproof. Wonder if its cat proof? Where's the catflap Mrs PM? I think have the number ten and Heaven email addresses somewhere. Perhaps Domino will become a knight? He likes the night, sorry! Thanks!😀

    1. They tightened up on security after a mortar round landed in the back garden when John Major was PM. Nothing but problems in London. Domino knows where his bread is buttered. He'll be sticking to his own cat flap in Cork.

    2. Yes you're right Gwil. I like John Major. Stan Boardman said his grandads allotment had bombs dropped on it and all his peas were shelled! Domino is a country cat and doesn't stray far. He's no Top Cat.

    3. Stan Boardman, I'd forgotten about him, he knew some good jokes. That one about the allotment is typical. Thanks,

    4. He was brilliant Gwil. Especially his memorable Fokkers tale. I look up all the comedians up on You Tube.

    5. And the Argies. I remember them. Very patriotic was Stan.

    6. I don't know if Tyrolean Airways still fly Fokkers. The wheels fall off when they land. You can laugh all you like. I kid you not.

    7. Yes Gwil. The Argies. Liverpudians have the greatest sense of humour on planet Earth. They're superb. Didn't know about Tyrolean airways. Ken Goodwin is another of my comedian heroes: "Settle down, settle down".

      A tramp knocks on this remote house in the countryside.

      He knocks and the door and says to the house owner.

      "I'm absolutely starving. I would even eat cold rice pudding.

      Woman of the house:

      "Come back next week. Ours is still warm."

  4. urgh blogger has eaten 2 comments now. lol I give up I will try again later.

  5. Hi Sol. I noticed you on Cro's blog the other day. How's life in Cornwall? I have missed your blog posts.

  6. Cats love boxes. Thomas's favourite box is currently an old jigsaw puzzle box lid that he squashes himself into.

  7. Thanks Rachel. I read that dogs sleep seventeen hours a day. I think cats aren't that far behind. Dominp does work nights though. Thomas sounds a character too.

  8. My cat likes to investigate boxes but then walks across to the sofa for a long sleep. As for the political situation.... no, I won't go there, I don't want to spoil my day!

  9. Hi Valerie. Yes cats are very intuitive aren't they? I wouldn't buy a second hand car off the government. Thanks!

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