Monday, 3 December 2018

Non Alcoholic Beer And Domino Gets A Warm.

I have finally decided to give up the sauce.  Give up the sauce?  Yes that's right.  Have a break or even call it a day to alcohol.  Its my ninth day with out any drinky poohs.  It's the longest I have gone with out a cold beer in over twenty years.

So how do you feel Dave?  With my fingers!  No seriously.  My body needs a break from alcohol.  So I have been drinking non alcoholic drinks like Becks Blue.  The bottle in the photo below.

Have you ever tried it?  What do you think of it?  It's better than nothing .   I am a bit like the ex smoker carrying a packet of cigarettes around with them. 

Do you like beer Dave?  I feel like those 10 CC lyrics:  " I  don't like Cricket, I love it."  Please paraphrase the word beer instead of cricket.

I miss Real Ale in England.  But I have decided to knock drinking on its head for a while.

I admire people who just have a drink at the weekend and can leave it alone.  I like a drink most nights.  It alters my mood, relaxes me and I would never have plucked up the courage (Dutch) to talk to lasses and spit in their ears and talk about romantic things like Manchester United, Black Sabbath, allotments and Xena Warrior Princess.

Anybody else had a break or even thinking about giving up the sauce?

Domino having a warm in front of the range.  He looks like he's been on the milk pop.


  1. I gave up drinking in April. I don't even think about it now. Buying wine used to be part of my supermarket shop and I would drink every night. I never go near the wine section anymore. I don't feel particularly different for not drinking like I thought I would. A bit disappointing really! Domino looks happy and content there.

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about drinking with us Rachel. Physically I feel wonderful. Mentally and emotionally I have been a bit up and down. I think its sad that we live in a drinking culture and everywhere that we socialize there is drink involved. Don't know if I will give up beer, wine, spirits for good. But its good to have a break. Domino always finds the warmest place in the house. He was pawing the snooker balls on the television yesterday. Thanks!

  3. No or low alcohol beer was all the rage here this summer. Every brand had some, Amstel low or whatever it was called wasn't bad at all.
    Good luck.

  4. Hi LA. I believe they're very popular in America too. I love beer but its time to give it a break. Thanks for your comment.

  5. Can't remember when I last didn't have a drink every day. My usual consumption was 8 pints of Guinness a night with wine at week-ends as well. Since developing diabetes, my intake is severely restricted, 2 glasses of red wine a day, which I substitute for a single pint on some nights. Don't missit that much.

  6. Thanks for being so honest and telling us what your consumption was and is now. A friend advised me the other night to just drink at the weekend. It's good to have a break and not feel rough some mornings or even in a bad mood. I do miss the social aspect of a pub though. Saying that I rarely go in them these days. Thanks Cumbrian.

  7. I've just been on a weekend trip to the Czech Republic.

    Well, a Welshman can't go there and not drink! Especially as the Welsh National Opera was in town to perform Janacek's last opera. I don't know if the composer was partial to the wonderful Czech beers.

    Incidentally he died of pneumonia (aged 74)on a hot day in August as he was putting the finishing touches to the final scene of his opera The House of the Dead. I'll be the same age before I know it. It's a sobering thought, Dave!

    In winter I like to drink gluhwein. And at bedtime maybe a mixture of whisky, ginger and honey.

  8. Hi Gwil. We drank a wonderful Czech beer in Bratislava called Bernard. Absolutely beautiful and only a Euro for a pint or the equivalent. I love Dalwhinnie and other Scottish Malts. Must stop talking about drink. I think alcohol is fine in moderation. But I drink (drank) too much and my body needs a break from it. Thanks Gwil!

    1. Enjoy your break and don't feel guilty when and if you 'fall by the wayside' as they used to say in the Methodist chapel where my dad had to go when he was a boy and listen to hell fire and damnation sermons and evils of drink. Even my mum (98) was partial to a Babycham or a cherry brandy in the days when they had best times of their lives.

    2. Thanks Gwil. I do like a drink or two. But I have decided I don't need to drink every night. Might have a drink at Christmas and toast my late parents.

      Watching The Story of Wales with Huw Edwards on BBC 4. Very interesting. My great granparents on my mother's side came from Wrexham. Hope your well? Thanks Gwil.

  9. It's many years since I had a drop of alcohol in any form. I missed it - sorry, craved it - but it was a habit that needed to go. My substitute was water which I drink plenty of. Good luck with the perseverance.

  10. Hi Valerie. Good on you for having such amazing will power. I drink a lot of water and orange Lucozade, especially when I am out walking. Thanks for your comment and encouragement!

  11. I was for part of my life a serious drinker and then a friend told me that I could enjoy myself without using alcohol. They were correct ! Though it took me awhile to get there and I did it without joining AA because I saw that as an addiction too.
    Today, I have a small glass of spirits on rare occasions never more than one and only sip it slowly. I am not against alcohol in small rare doses. I do though recognise it as a poison which has done more damage to the fabric of society than any other drug.

  12. Fair point Heron. Some people can drink sensibly and some can not. I really enjoy beer and whisky but ist become an every night hobby that needs to have a break from. Thanks for your much appreciated thoughts on alcohol.

  13. I have never been able to imbibe of the strong stuff because all I do is fall asleep and end up with an upset stomach, although swigs of Baileys was, and still is, totally acceptable. My husband, though, does like wine and will drink it every day, but tries to have 'time outs' when he will not drink for several weeks, this being encouraged by his stomach getting unhappy. Everything in moderation seems to be the answer......

  14. Hi Vera. Thanks for your thoughts about drinking alcohol. I think your husband is very sensible and takes a break from his wine. You're so right about everything in moderation. It's so easy to use alcohol for a mood enhancer or for relaxation and it can soon become a necessity rather than a pleasure. Thanks for you and I hope you are all well.

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