Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Northsider Gardens.

Here are  some photographs from Northsider Gardens:

A wild rambling rose I propagated from a cutting last summer.  Is now in flower.
One of the North facing gardens.  I made this garden two years a go.
The East side of the polytunel veg plot.  There are onions, swedes, peas, celery and lots of perennials in  plant pots. I fill the wheelie bin with the hosepipe and fill up my watering can when feeding the tomatoes and vegetables with their liquid feed.
South of the polytunnel.  Hundreds and hundreds of perennials that I have grown from division and from cuttings.  
The bungalow garden.  It's only small but there are over forty potted plants, a plastic sheep (we do live on the Sheepshead Peninsula), a lady statue with a Grecian urn, weeding buckets, patio furniture and lots of perennials.  Not forgetting the Fuchsia hedges and phormiums!
The round circle garden in front of the old farmhouse.  There are a mixed collection of perennials.  Notice the yellow Loosetrife just coming into flower?

The wall border full of Nasturtiums, Geraniums, Cat Mint and Arum Lilies.
The West of the polytunnel veg plot.  All the potatoes are flowering at the moment.  Hope you enjoyed my garden tour?

What about you showing us some photos of your garden?  I would love to see them!


  1. only a very small bucket for weeds there Dave? I have a huge green bag I have to wander around with. You must have weeded it for years and kept it all down for you to need such a little bucket. I hope to get there one day

    1. Hi Sol. I have weeding buckets all around the gardens. I even weed the field side of the sheep wire. Thanks.

  2. Hey Dave I have done a post with garden bits in for oyu

    1. I will pop over and have a look Sol. I have missed your posts.

  3. My weeds fill the good old black bag. Mind you I have discovered that some weeds are worth keeping.

    1. Hi Valerie. Most of our weeds go in the compost heap and compost bins. I shred brambles and the nettles are either composted or made into a liquid fertilizer. Thanks.

  4. Nice to see some all rounds views for a change Dave. It is quite a large area. And to make it even better, the sun was shining! Thanks for showing us the photos.

  5. Hi Rachel. I only tried to show the areas in flower. The sunshine did help and the flowers appreciate the showers. Thanks.

  6. A work of long breath. You could have cream teas on the lawn. The backdrop of the sea and mountains sets it all off. Wonderful!

  7. Hi Gwil. God and Mother Nature did a great job when they made Bantry Bay. Hope you're well. Are you still enjoying the heat in Austria? Thank you for your comment.

    1. Thanks Dave, I'm sitting in a beer garden doing my best to keep cool :-)

    2. It's alright for some Gwil.

  8. You haven't just got a garden there, you've got a garden centre and a market garden all rolled into one. I can see that you're a dedicated gardener. Relaxation? This is your love, your life. All looks marvellous and I must of course spit on it 3 times to keep off the evil eye ftoo ftoo ftoo. Your wild rose looks like one we have now climbing along the fence. It was in full bloom a month ago. Lovely

  9. Thanks LA. Yes its a labour of love. Thanks!

  10. Lots going on at your place Dave. I might do something similar soon.

  11. Hi Philip. I am toying with the idea of making a field into a garden. Think I need to reasarch what's the best way of doing this this. Thanks!

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Dave the garden looks fantastic and great photos lovely to see Bantry Bay, your doing a great job & enjoying it too!!

    1. Thanks Sean. Beautiful Bantry Bay immortalised in words, pictures and song. Thanks for your comment.

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