Thursday, 29 April 2021

Things Are Looking Verdant At The End Of April.

Polytunnel  potatoes nearly ready to flower and produce spudatoes.

Portugal my polytunnel is full to the brim with rooted plant cuttings and vegetables.  It's amazing how much difference a piece of plastic difference in creating a micro climate.

The baths are sown with vegetables.

Beetroot and Brassicas growing in an old polystyrene welder packaging container. 

My ever increasing plant nursery.

The plant pot garden seems to be a success.  Who needs raised beds when you have got plant pots and containers?  

Potatoes coming through in the veg plot.  I can prove I am not a ghost because I have caught my own shadow in my photograph.


  1. Aye, all looks well at The Northsider Plant Nursery. Keep up the good work. Do you sell garden gnomes?

  2. Thanks YP. We have enough problems with Leprechauns. Seriously I have thought of making garden gnomes.

  3. It's all looking good now Dave. What a shame I can't send you all our surplus plant pots. We have too many so are having to take them to the reuse/recycle centre before we move.

  4. I get mine from a recycling centre and other people collect them for me JayCee. Thanks though! I am sure there is some allotment holders or fellow plant mad gardeners who would like all those plant pots?

  5. I picked up about 25 of them last year. I intend to use them for herbs. Last year wasn't very successful for me. However, I will try, try again.

  6. Recycling centre people will collect plant pots for you Debby. You could also ask friends and neighbours to start collecting them for you. It's better than them going in landfill sites.

  7. 25 will do me do now. If I am able to be successful at this, I will perhaps need more.

  8. I have hundreds and hundreds of empty and full plant pots Debby. Propagating plants is an hobby that can turn to obsession. I don't mind though 😄.

  9. Lovely to see your garden. You have been very busy over these last few months. I have lots of pots, old tyres and half wine barrels in my garden. It lifts the plants higher and pots are easier to weed and de-snail

  10. Thanks Linda. I spend a lot of time in the gardens and polytunnel. Anything with a good depth of soil improves drainage and it makes life easier for gardeners, especially people who are older than fifty.

  11. I am planting my potatoes tomorrow. So very excited!

  12. Planting potatoes and digging for potatoes treasure. Highlights of the growing season.

  13. Impressive projects going on there. Well done you.
    But who's to say the shadow isn't a ghost....

  14. Thanks The bike shed. It's wearing an hat, reading glasses and holding a mobile phone. It could be my doppelganger perhaps?


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