Thursday, 31 October 2024

A Flying Orb Ghost Story For Halloween.

Click on the sign to read please.
The small building on the left is the Hell Fire Club.
Cloisters windows where the orbs flew through.

 Regular readers will know we like visiting ancient sites in Ireland.  

I know there a lot of people on the Internet  who do not believe in God or the devil or even the living dead.  But this is what happened one late summer day to us:

The above photos were taken in 2017.  Google photos reminded me of the date the other day.

There was my youngest son, my wife and me.  We had seen the tourist signs for an old Franciscan Priory, a castle and an Hell Fire Club.

We were the only visitors walking through the grounds.  The three of us immediately very uncomfortable and that someone was watching us.

I walked along into the ruins and a white round orb or like circle of mist passed over my shoulder and out  the cloister windows.  Then several more flew passed me.  

It felt like we were in a room full of people. Yet only 3 of were present in broad day light.

We all felt really scared and couldn't leave the building quick enough.

I have seen ghosts before and wrote about them on here.  I have watched many ghost programmes and read about white orbs and also pyschometry when things or events get stuck in water like rivers etc.

The Hell Fire Club was built the same year the Franciscans left the Priory.  Hell Fire Clubs were mainly drinking clubs for rich aristocrat types.  But there are tails of them trying to rise the devil.

I have also read that Cromwellian soldiers or Roundheads ransacked the Priory and people were murdered there.  

We definitely felt uneasy and picked up on the tragedy of the place and that spirits were not at rest. None of us ever wish to visit the place again.

Have you had similar ghostly experiences or do you know of a haunted building near you?

Here's a song that we should have been singing:


  1. No such stories here, I'm afraid. Although, I've put it out there now. 👻

  2. Thanks Jules. We once visited the battle field site of Culloden and picked up on a profoundly sad place. I think I am a sensitive to such things. Thanks.

  3. I did feel uncomfortable once, when walking around the Clifden Castle ruins in Connemara, but it was such a lonely bleak place that it would have given anybody the willies.
    Could that orb have been one of the Mysterons looking for Captain Scarlet?

  4. No Dave - I have never had any kind of ghostly experience and I expect that I will still be saying that on my deathbed. There are rumours of haunted buildings in and around Sheffield but I think of these rumours as pure tosh.

  5. I have had other ghostly encounters but when I tell people they laugh JayCee. It's like Doubting Thomas: "Seeing is believing". Don't we live in a cynical age when nobody believes in anything but the present?

  6. Fair enough YP. Perhaps I am gifted or just a believer.? But I have experienced ghostly and spiritual experiences and even seen ghosts. Thanks for commenting.

  7. Only our friendly ghost here in our house. Is it a ghost really? I don't know but odd things have happened. No malice or evil feelings thank goodness. Yours was a shuddering experience

  8. We have also them LA. I turned off the cold water tap the other day outside the farm house and came out of the polytunnel and someone had turned it back on. We hear foot steps, gates and smell pipe tobacco smoke from time to time. My late mother use to say it's only your ancestors coming back to know you are ok. It was not a nice experience Linda.

  9. In my mother's church, someone took a video of the empty church on a gray day. You could see balls of light darting around. I do not claim to be an expert on these ythings but it was comforting to think that my mother might still be busily bustling around a place she so loved in life.

  10. Definetly comforting Debby to think and hope we might meet our loved ones again some day. I believe there is more than this. Thanks.

  11. The home I grew up in had a friendly spirit that moved things around (it appeared to have quite a sense of humour!) and walked across the floors upstairs when all the family were downstairs. When I left the house for the last time after selling it following my parents' deaths I made sure to tell it to treat the next people kindly too.
    I have seen several apparitions, most of which looked totally solid, but I did encounter one chilling entity on two separate occasions, which was like a black chiffon scarf.
    I am not into spooky stuff at all and did not seek these things out. I have no explanation as to why some people see things and others don't, other than the theory that perhaps some people are just more attuned to these things than others.

    1. Thanks Tracey for your comment. My wife is a sensitive and so am I. We have both seen ghosts. We once both one look in our kitchen window dressed in Victorian clothes.

  12. During one of our buying trips to USA. We visiited a trading post in Washington State. While there, I became overcome with grief and the sounds I could hear, I was crying so much I couldnt speak. My husband explained to the Indian owner, that I could 'hear' things. He explained that it was the site of a large masacre of the indian people.
    So yes ,I can accept the things people report .

    1. Gosh Kathy. I know what you mean about picking up profound grief and sadness. There is residual energy that stays there. Like an old negative photograph.


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