Saturday, 13 July 2019

A Good Year For The Roses. Even The Wild Ones!

This year has been great for flowers, especially the roses.  They love sunshine and soft rain.  Here's a wild one that I grew from a cutting and planted in one of the gardens last year or was it the year before?
I don't mind wildflowers in the garden planted with cultivated varieties like the daisies and yellow loosestrife.    The wild roses are relatively easy to strike and root from cuttings or by layering.  

September is a good month for making a cutting bed in the veg plot.
They soil is still warm and the rain regular waters them for you.  All you need is to paraphrase Take That:  "Patience!"

There are literally hundreds of songs about roses.  Here's one by the great English folk rock and new wave singer Elvis Costello.  I saw him once play a memorable and entertaining set at Glastonbury.  Way back in 1989.  He said we all looked like television screens.  Interesting!  


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a great garden picture you have there. And look, clover is clover, the world around.

  3. Thanks Joanne. Yes I like clover in a lawn. Its a legume and feeds the lawn with nitrogen free. Thank you for commenting on my blog.

  4. Your garden looks great Dave. The pink, yellow and blue makes for a pleasing view.

  5. Thanks Rachel. I love cottage style garden full of herbaceous perennials. Its like a living patchwork quilt. The daisies are out in bloom today. Will post a picture of them. Thanks for your comment.

  6. The unknown seeds I bought lastear have produced some wonderful wild flowers. I have been quite thrilled by the display. Snapdragons of all different colours make a wonderful display.

    Re your comment on my blog, here is my reply:I have thought about home help often but when I look into it I am horrified by the cost. They don't come free and my bills are astronomic! I thought I would wait until I was really past it; by then my interest in IT would also have waned.

  7. I love Snapdragons Valerie.

    Didnt know you had to pay for home helps. A home help would help around the house and also someone to have a daily chat with and you could contact them or their colleagues if you need help.

  8. Sorry our comments were deleted on that other blog Dave but mine always are within minutes, as yours will be if you converse with me.

  9. Not to worry Derek. Thanks for popping over and leaving a comment on my blog.

  10. Our roses had a terrific show of flowers this year. One wild rose was covered in blossom. Now it's just the geraniums although the hydrangeas are sprouting new growth.
    Beautiful colours

  11. Thanks LA. I often give my perennials a good haircut after they have flowered and they flower again in Sepemberish? Hydrangeas like Ireland and there are some marvellous specimens. They are relatively easy to propagate from softwood cuttings too. Thanks.

  12. Our roses went crazy this year from all the rain we had. They are beautiful.

  13. I am pleased the roses put on a show for you Susan. They are beautiful flowers and enhance any garden. Thanks!

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