Saturday 20 July 2019

A Picture Of Our Irish Potager.

I love walled kitchen gardens and French Potagers.  Vegetable gardens that use companion planting to attract the insects like butterflies and bees among the perennials. fruit and vegetables.  Thought I would show you our version of a Potager today.

All the daisies and other flowers are plants in plant pots that I have either made by division or by cuttings.  Some of them went away and I planted them in someones garden this morning.  I love perennials and half the veg plot is now my nursery for them and the other half is for the vegetables and fruit.  

The area was a little field when we first came here.  Its had lots of fym and some seaweed.  But its never seen granulated fertilizer or weedkiller.  The butterflies, birds and bees love our little Irish Potager.  Hope you do?


  1. Yes, I do!
    I would love to stroll round your garden. It's a lovely place.

  2. Thanks Christina. I love gardens and I love summer. Thank you you for your comment.

  3. It has a nice lived in feel to it Dave. I like the daisies and flowers around the place. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I am glad you like it Rachel. I think the flowers compliment the vegetagbles. It doesn't have to be just a productive vegetable garden. Thanks.

  4. Enlarging the picture fills my entire screen, as if I'm surrounded. I had to google fym, and let me tell you, I read some very jucy tidbits as I worked my way down to "farm yard manure".

  5. Hi Joanne. Enlarging the photo makes you feel like you're in the veg plot/garden.

    I think fym is better than cow muck and other similar words that describe it. Thanks.

  6. Lovely garden. I love the daisies amongst all that greenery.

  7. I am pleased you like the garden. It was a small field when we first moved here. I love my polytunnel too. Even on a rainy day I can still pot up my perennials or sow some vegetables or make some cuttings. Thank you for your comment.

  8. Now that's a garden one can't stop loving. Isn't nature wonderful?

  9. Hi Valerie. Glad you like. Nature is wonderful. Hope you're well?

  10. Lovely garden. The bees will thank you for it. By the way Dave, it was monks from Pembroke who built the lighthouse at Hook. They must have had a strong presence along your coast in pre-Cromwell times. Maybe you have a little Welsh in you, just like St Patrick!

  11. Thanks Gwil. West Cork mead? That would be a good one. My mothers grandmother came from Wrexham. So I can claim I have some Welsh blood a long with English and Irish. Thanks!

    1. English, Welsh, Irish. You might have a nip of Scotch in you if you look deep enough, Dave. You have a Welsh name so that'll get you a plus in Wrexham!

  12. I like Scottish whiskeys like Dalwhinnie Gwil. I liked visiting Wrexham when I lived in Chester. One of my great grandfather's came from Yorkshire! My genes are Heinz 59.

    1. I think we're all a little bit Heinz 57. Did you know there were at least 6 different kinds of humanoids? Not only Neanderthal and Cro Magnon. Some of their genes could also be sloshing about in our dna.

    2. Fires in Portugal. Hope they don't spread. An old farmer who lost his house to the flames said: I don't blame the firemen, I blame the politicians. I guess he means corruption.v

  13. My mums maiden name originates in Germany. So we could have genes from anywhere Gwil.

  14. Fires in Portugal. A taxi driver lady in the Algarve told us a lot of the fires in Portugal are deliberately started because they create jobs for the unemployed putting them out. Its a sad world. Poverty creates crime.

    1. That's very sad. Rich people too. For example millionaire property developers and speculators will pay people to start convenient fires.

  15. Gosh! I didn't know that Gwil. What a crazy world.

  16. Your garden is amazing. Walking through it, working it, must be such joy!

  17. Thank you Susan. I love my garden. Its a living scene of beauty that is always changing and always on my mind. Hope you're enjoying the summer.

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A Parkside Tools Advert Perhaps?

 If you are a tight wad like me you might purchase your gardening tools from one of the German discount stores middle aisles "Special B...