Friday 1 November 2019

Jerusalem In Japan.

It's  the rugby union  World Cup final tomorrow  morning.  Hope England win.  It's not rugby league, cricket or 1966, but it will still be a wonderful achievement to see England win the World Cup for a second time.  No Johnny Wilkinson to kick it to victory this time.

I hope they play my old mate William Blake's Milton composition or Jerusalem the hymn by Sir Hubert Parry.  It's far better than God Save The Queen.

The hymn mentions Jeus coming to England's  green  and pleasant land with his uncle Joseph of Arimathea.  They visited Glastonbury (the town not the music festival,  Stonehenge and Cornwall.  He also mentioned  the 'dark satanic mills'.  He must not have liked the Industrial Revolution.  Can't  say I would of either!

Any way her is another version of the great hymn:

Good luck lads!


  1. I'll be watching the match tomorrow. Go Lions! All blacks beat Wales today but I forgot damn it and didn't get to see them.
    Good luck

  2. Hi Linda. Yes I saw the All Blacks beat Wales on the news. I would love to visit Japan. We've been watching a brilliant series on Japan and presented by Joanna Lumley. I still think Purdy when I see her. Should be an humdinger of a final tomorrow.

  3. I don't think I'll ever watch a match again!!!!
    Hope your dieting goes well. I had many years of dieting but thankfully I don't need to bother now.

  4. Yes it was a disappointment Valerie. Think the last two games took it out of England. Never mind at least they got to the final. Thanks.

  5. Legend has it that Joseph of Arimathea game to Britain on a fleet of ships with 500 followers and I presume the disappeared Jesus who had been placed in Joseph’s cave/grave. This would make sense because the Jesus/Arimethea group would have no future in the holy land and the Romans controlled the Mediterranean land from Galilee to the Pillars of Hercules

  6. Hi Gwil. Yes it's an incredible story. Apparently Joseph of Arimathea stuck his stick in the ground at Glastonbury and the stick rooted and grew and descendents of the thorn tree are still there. Thanks for the information Gwil.

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