Tuesday, 29 June 2021

A Walk In Ballyseedy Woods.

We went to Kerry on Saturday.  It was a glorious  sunny June day.  Perfect for a stroll.  I noticed the brown sign for Ballyseedy Woods near Tralee.  We have passed the sign many times but this time we parked up and followed the signs into the woods.  
Signposts and a very good path surface.
The walk  was being enjoyed by people of all ages and some  walkers even said: "Good afternoon" to us.
A signpost of some of the wildlife tenants who reside in the woods.

Interesting stones.  I found the stone message on it's own quite poetic and profound.  Fair play to who ever paints and places these stones on the trails.
A fern and a sign for the Old Coach Road.

A carved man and an old roasting tin ingeniously made into a feeding tray for the birds and wildlife in winter.

The carved figure with his wife.

A cheeky Robin tap dancing on an old tree stump.  He said"All the world is a stage boy". I nodded and thanked him for his clog dance.

Hope you enjoyed another one of my walks?


  1. Thanks for taking us into Ballyseedy Woods Dave. Nice illustrative pictures too. Did you see the ruins of Ballyseedy House? (I checked out the place on Wikipedia)

  2. You are very welcome YP. I didn't see the ruins. I think they are near a different entrance. It's a very easy walk and Kerry council seem to provide lots of excellent free walks and they seem very popular.

  3. Wonderful pictures of your woods. They look like a delight to walk in

  4. They are two hours away from where we live Linda. It was very easy going and we enjoyed our couple of miles stroll. Thanks

  5. What a lovely place for a walk. You are lucky to live where you do Dave.

  6. Thanks JayCee. Ireland is a beautiful country , especially when it's not raining.🍀

    1. I like days when the rain is soft Dave,

    2. Hi Heron. Soft rain is ok if you're wearing the right waterproof equipment.

  7. I did enjoy your walk. Thanks for bringing us along!

  8. Thanks Debby. A good walk is good for body, mind and spirit.

  9. I will not argue that point!

  10. I love walking especially if someone accompanies me and conversations along the way.


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