Monday 14 June 2021

Pot Noodle Gardening..

 No I haven't invented another Prog group name.

Regular readers will know I like recycling stuff.  Here's a plant pot I made from an old Pot Noodle container:

I got a grown up😀 to help me puncture a drainage hole in the bottom and filled it with compost and one of my Catmint rooted cuttings.  

The plant isn't bothered about it being in an old Pot Noodle container.


  1. We do the same with our empty yogurt pots - low fat of course 😁

  2. Good idea JayCee. It's good to prolong plastic containers uses for a bit longer.

  3. We have a couple of pot noodle plants in our garden. Like bushes they are. Saves buying them at the supermarket.

    P.S. Have you got any photos of the mysterious island you were working on? It would be interesting to see them.

  4. Pot noodle plants would make a great addition to any garden YP. Do you remember Pot Rice? Yuck!

    Dear old Google images have many pictures of Whiddy Island.

  5. I use yoghurt containers. A bit smaller but our noodles don't come in a pot but in a bag.
    Recycling is always good

  6. Hi Linda. People sometimes drop off plastic plant pots for me but I also use any empty containers before they go to the recycling centre. Plastic needs to be used many times and hopefully its recycled and doesn't end up in landfill sites.

  7. Yes and we have paid for our packaging/containers? Why not get out money's worth and use them again?

  8. I have often thought that PN would make good pots - I used them for mixing paint though they can be a bit tippy. I wonder how many other uses we could find for them...???

  9. Good idea to use them for mixing paint. I suppose you could use them for drinking out of.

  10. I also use ass many plastic food containers as possible, larger boxes from icecream etc,I make holes in and use for seed trays, or without holes for small hydroponic growing. Old milk bottles ,cut in half work. Also cut up plastic containers for use as plant lables(some lose the writing faster than others, some last for acouple of years,

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. You know, I don't think that I've ever seen you go quiet before. Hope all is well with you and yours.

  13. Thanks for asking Debby. I've just had a blog break. Normal service will be resumed.


A Parkside Tools Advert Perhaps?

 If you are a tight wad like me you might purchase your gardening tools from one of the German discount stores middle aisles "Special B...