Tuesday 22 June 2021

Pictures From My West Cork Gardens In June.

 I couldn't think of much to write about so I have had a week blog break.  This morning I walked around the gardens and the flowers were displaying their Summer dresses in all their glory.  Thanks flower girls!

Outside the kitchen door.
Pink Cranesbill Geraniums flower and come back every year.
Valerian self seed and this one's growing in a mortar between the paving stones at our front door.
Osteospermums growing in pots.  I made lots of cuttings of these last September and we have many plants putting on their Summer floral display.


  1. I have missed you Dave. But what a comeback! Your garden looks beautiful, bursting with pretty things!

  2. That's very nice of you JayCee. The sunshine and rain is making everything look verdant and colourful.

  3. Valarian reminds me of the sea

  4. Valarian reminds me of the sea

  5. Hi Sol. Yes it grows well here in the countryside next to the sea,

  6. Now I know what the little pink flowers are in my little garden, wondered what they were called, Cranesbill Geraniums, the bees love them.

  7. Hi Briony. They are an old fashioned cottage garden favourite. They live for years. I love them.

  8. So sorry to learn that you have been suffering from blogstipation. Try "All Bran" for breakfast. That should clear the blockage. In the meantime, thanks for sharing your garden pictures - everything looks so nice and healthy.

  9. We all suffer from writers block from time to time YP. Sunshine and rain makes everything look nice and healthy. Free nitrogen from the rain.

  10. Lots of greenery and colour. Just lovely

  11. Thanks Linda. June can be nice to the garden and the flowers love rain (a little bit) and sunshine.


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