Wednesday, 30 June 2021

A Walk Along Tralee Ship Canal.

 Sunday was another beautiful day.  We drove to Subway and I had half a bacon breakfast Sub.  The wife had some potatoes grilled slices.  It was quick and inexpensive and fuel for our next walk:

A sign for the Dingle Way.  At the beginning of Tralee Ship Canal.  Also The North Kerry Way.

A pretty cottage.  It reminds me of one of those Cottage teapots the wife collects.

Looking from the towpaths over to Blennerville windmill.

A sign warning walkers and cyclists that the swans can be dangerous.   A family of swans having a rest and Mr Swan was not an happy bunny.  He started spitting and hissing and some of his words made the air blue.  

A beautiful bench memorial.

The walk was only two miles and flat and tarmaced.  The walkers were friendly except for Mr Swan who hissed at us when we walked past his wife and Cygnets.  

Fair play again for these easy walks which can enjoyed for free by all.  All you need is a pair of comfortable like a pair of trainers or " the runners" like they say here in West Cork.

I love walking.  Especially when I can get my wife to go walking and talking with yours truly!😊

I went for an eight mile walk close to home today.  I think I'm getting back into my walking.  The wife reckons I must have been a dog in another life.  Maybe she's right.  I wouldn't  like their dinners though!😊


  1. Dave! Your Winalot is ready!

  2. Ha,ha😊. Good one JayCee.

    A man goes to see a Psychiatrist and says he keeps thinking he's a dog. The Psychiatrist says:

    "Ok jump up and lie down on the couch."

    The patient replies:

    "I'm not allowed on the couch, I'm a dog!"😀

  3. Dog? Does that mean you are into dogging? Another question: Did the Irish bring navvies over from England to dig the canal?

  4. Have a look at Peter Kay " You went Dogging" sketch on good old You Tube YP.

    Good question about the navvies nationality. An act of Parliament was passed for the ship canal construction and the English government paid for it. I would imagine the shovels and picks were made of Sheffield steel. Perhaps they used ex politicians for navvies?😊

    1. If they used ex-politicians then they would still be digging the canal now. I would have liked to see Thatcher stripped to the waist and pushing shovels with the rest of them.

  5. True. I'd like to see Boris ride to work along the towpaths on his bicycle and give him a day or two with a pick, shovel and wheelbarrow. That would be a good government job creation scheme.

  6. That looks like my kind of walk, flat and smooth! (Still having trouble leaving messages on most blogs. Getting a bit fed up with it!)

  7. Hi the veg artist. Yes a nice flat surface and a walk leading to the sea. Why don't you blog through blogger or wordpress? I will comment and follow you. Go on.

  8. I like to see where other people walk .it's nice that you can walk, now and again, with the other half. It's more interesting with a talking partner.

  9. Hi Linda . You're right it's good to walk and talk. Sometimes I listen to Rock music on my mo 📱bile phone.


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...