Saturday, 12 June 2021

Three Years Ago.

I've finished working on the island now.  Only the other day I was looking on my mobile phone on the ferry to work and I noticed good old Google had sent me a photo or three of what I had been doing three years ago this week.

Myself and an old friend had met up at Bristol airport and travelled by train to Dorset and Thomas Hardy's fictional Wessex.  It's on the blog search of this blog.  We visited film and book locations and three former houses where Thomas Hardy dwelled

We walked many miles and even visited Shaftesbury (me and the black Labrador picture) and Jude The Obscure book locations and Gold Hill where the famous Hovis adverts were filmed.

The sun shone and we stayed in tents and visited the wonderful Wetherspoon's pubs and drank copious amounts of English real ales.  We also took in a day at Wimborne Folk Festival and we went to see Blackwater County play in the Paddock on a lovely hot Summers day and sampled some pints of Ringwood bitter.  It was a really enjoyable and educational trip:

Here's a picture of Blackwater County.

I love this band with their Irish, folk, punk style of play:


  1. Yes good old Google. She brought you back some happy memories of three years ago. Splendid.

    1. It seems like another world now YP.

    2. It was in the halcyon days before the war...I mean, the pandemic. Silly me!

    3. I just Googled halcyon YP. You sum it up perfectly. Like the videos title: Our Darkest Days. Hopefully it's coming to an end and we can start visit fabulous places like Dorset again very soon.

  2. Sounds like it was a great trip.
    I have walked up Gold Hill. It is steep!

  3. Planes, trains and our own two feet JayCee. I have walked up and down Gold Hill. Dorset is amazing.


The Cooker Hood Parsnip Project.

No not the name for an English Prog Rock band but the title for my post today. I have been germinating parsnips seeds on damp paper towels i...