Monday 6 September 2021

Butterflies On Sedums.


I have never seen so many Butterflies than this year.  They fly around me when I'm working outside on the island and they're at home when I come home and look at my Sedums.  The honeybees quite like them too!

I have quite a lot of them for sale but they can stay here in my Butterflies haven/garden if nobody wants them.  If you want to  attract Butterflies or honeybees in your garden then plant Buddleias or Sedums.  

The sad thing about the Sedums being in flower is that it means Winter is not that far away.   

I love Sedums do you?


  1. We've noticed more butterflies as well, and bees. We planted a group of sunflowers at the back of the veg plot (expected height 6', actual, nearly 12') and they've got bees on them all the time. It's lovely to see so much life flying around.

  2. It sounds like your doing the right thing using plants to attract Butterflies and bees Veg Artist.

  3. l love all botanical things that grow from the earth Mr Northsider -though I am not over-enthusiastic about brambly briers and nettles when I am walking through them. I am happy to hear that your butterfly population is thriving.

  4. Yes it's great to see the butterflies YP. They like the nettles and so do the moths.

  5. When I get my new garden I am going to make sure we grow lots of butterfly and bee food.

    1. Hi JayCee. You can start planning your ecclesiastical themed garden. I look forward to seeing your photos.

  6. I like growing all the succulent family,our sedum seem to pop up wherever they like, always have some growing in the tarmac parking area. I have noticed the butterflies seem to like damp areas of soil,especially where its warm,I had quite a number around me in the tunnel yesterday. I also have a number of different colours of Buddleia growing.

    1. Hi Kathy. I'm going to collect different coloured Buddleia bushes too. It's good to know you are attracting the Butterflies in and around your polytunnel.

  7. One last burst of colour . Wonderful photo of the flowers and butterflies.
    I'm not sure we have sedums here. I suppose they go by some strange Greek name but the flowers don't look familiar

    1. Hi Linda My Autumn Joy Sedum is an old fashioned English garden favourite. They are succulents and store water. I bet you have some Greek version of them?

  8. I love sedum, however, you had to remind me that it is a harbinger of winter. Thanks for that, you darn spoilsport.

  9. Sedum the harbinger of winter. I like that description Debby. The Butterflies and bees love them also.

  10. Sorry Briony I deleted your comment by mistake. You said you can't have Sedums in your garden because of the slugs. I would suggest you scatter grit around the plants to deter the slugs and snails.


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