Thursday 16 September 2021

More Pastoral Pictures From The Carboot Sale.

 We went for a ride out to a carboot sale on Sunday.  Just for a change of course!

I obviously found some carboot treasure: two old sheep and cattle prints in relatively modern gold frames.

We took out the prints and they're not signed but I would say they are around turn of the twentieth  century.

Wifey says she'll touch up the frames with gold paint and I'll find a wall to strike a nail or two in.

This weekend I'm supposed to be selling some of my Sedums perennials.  Suppose I could always mosey on down around the other carboot stalls and see if I can find  something else to collect?🤔


  1. I like the prints Dave. Right up my street with the cattle and the sheep.

    1. I'm glad you like them Rachel. You never know what you might find.

  2. I hope you sell lots of your plants this weekend. May the sun shine bright and bring you lots of customers!

  3. I like both of these pictures. I am going to have to look at car boots (if there are any on) and junk shops or antique places as I want an old fashioned plate draining rack. I just cant find what I need that isnt £440!

  4. You never know, you might find a silent vacuum cleaner - often known as a sweeping brush.

  5. Thanks JayCee. I could do with making some room because my veg plot and polytunnel is full of plants.

  6. Ebay is a good place to look Sol and I believe there are some great antique shops in Glasgow and Edinburgh. We often watch Antiques Roadtrip and it's visited these places.

  7. A dustpan and a hand brush perhaps YP? I rang up about a mop head and it turned out to be a Moped!

  8. You and Thelma find the very best things...i want to go to a carboot sale! Good luck with your plants. May your boot be empty and your pockets full!

  9. Thanks Debby. You should organise your own car boot sale or Trash and Treasure sale. You never know what you might find.

  10. Hi there, blog-hopping, but wanted to say, nice buy. I think they would perhaps look better with a white mount rather than the gold? Just my humble opinion and I'm sure you are happy with them as they are.

  11. Thanks for your thoughts Bovey Belle. You could be right. Thanks.


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